
FSFE attempts to make 'Lernen wie die Profis' multilingual. Max already provided a pull request. Technically it seems to be quite easy.
Is there anybody at FSFE-ZH who would like to volunteer? Maybe Alex?

Best regards

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Max Mehl <max.mehl@fsfe.org>
An: Ralf Hersel <ralfhersel@fsfe.org>
Kopie: Fani Partsafyllidou <fani@fsfe.org>
Betreff: Re: turning local group's website to multi-language
Datum: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 13:52:26 +0100

Hi Fani, hi Ralf,

I made a first proposal on turning this site into multi-language:


It's very simple, no language switcher yet (as this would involve also
changing the submoduled theme), and only a few pages. But it works
surprisingly well.

Let's discuss further in the issue if you want. I take out the System
Hackers as this is not really their area of tasks.


~ Fani Partsafyllidou [2022-01-19 10:25 +0100]:
Hello team,

we have come to the conclusion that it is technically challenging to
include translations in a campaing website made by a local group [1].
Neiter I nor the developer of the webste, Ralf, can do it. Before
quitting the idea, I am sharing this information with you. I quote Ralf:

Providing translations isn't that easy for two reasons:

1. The website is based on static website generator Hugo:
https://gohugo.io/ <https://gohugo.io/>, which is fine for performance,
privacy and security reasons. I've utilized the 'Terrassa' theme
<https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/hugo-terrassa-theme/>), that is not
prepared for internationalization. I'm sure, the template could be
adapted for multi-language support, but that is beyond my skills.

2. The website is available at https://git.fsfe.org/fsfe-zh 
<https://git.fsfe.org/fsfe-zh>, so anyone could adapt it for
multi-language support and provide translations. It is just a question
of skills and resource availability (as always :).

Would you be interested to help? Or, do you have any counter
suggestions? Context: the FSFE Zurich local group created an initiative
[1] aiming to bring Free Software in Education. This is the website we
could ask our translators team to translate. FSFE Zurich received an
award for this activity. [2]

Thanks for the advice and help.



[1] https://lernenwiedieprofis.ch/
[2] https://fsfe.org/news/2020/news-20201211-01.en.html
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