Please find below your weekly report for Website TheyDontWantYou.To.


Website TheyDontWantYou.To

Blah - Date range: Week 23 December - 29 December 2013

Report list

Visits Summary

 Name    Value  
Unique visitors 84
Visits 94
Actions 189
Maximum actions in one visit 7
Bounce Rate 52%
Actions per Visit 2
Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds) 00:01:05

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Actions - Main metrics

 Name    Value  
Pageviews 169
Unique Pageviews 149
Downloads 0
Unique Downloads 0
Outlinks 20
Unique Outlinks 20
Searches 0
Unique Keywords 0
Avg. generation time 0.26s

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Page URLs

 Page URL    Pageviews    Unique Pageviews    Bounce Rate    Avg. time on page    Exit rate    Avg. generation time  
/index 101 90 52% 00:00:33 59% 0.36s
/resist.html 39 34 0% 00:00:33 59% 0.12s
/street.html 10 9 0% 00:00:13 22% 0.2s
/campaign.html 8 7 100% 00:00:15 86% 0.05s
/index.tr.html 4 3 100% 00:08:21 67% 0.18s
/campaign.de.html 1 1 0% 00:00:04 0% 0s
/index.de.html 1 1 0% 00:00:03 0% 0.06s
/index.pt.html 1 1 0% 00:00:03 0% 0.05s
/index.ru.html 1 1 0% 00:00:00 100% 0.07s
/resist.ru.html 1 1 0% 00:00:20 0% 0.05s
/resist.tr.html 2 1 0% 00:00:09 100% 0.08s

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Entry pages

 Page URL    Entrances    Bounces    Bounce Rate  
/index 89 46 52%
/resist.html 1 0 0%
/street.html 1 0 0%
/campaign.html 1 1 100%
/index.tr.html 1 1 100%

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Exit pages

 Page URL    Exits    Unique Pageviews    Exit rate  
/index 53 90 59%
/resist.html 20 34 59%
/street.html 2 9 22%
/campaign.html 6 7 86%
/index.tr.html 2 3 67%
/index.ru.html 1 1 100%
/resist.tr.html 1 1 100%

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Page titles

 Page Name    Pageviews    Unique Pageviews    Bounce Rate    Avg. time on page    Exit rate    Avg. generation time  
Free yourself - They Don't Want You.To 101 90 52% 00:00:34 60% 0.36s
Resist - They Don't Want You.To 41 35 0% 00:00:36 74% 0.12s
Street - They Don't Want You.To 10 9 0% 00:00:15 33% 0.2s
Campaign - They Don't Want You.To 8 7 100% 00:00:15 86% 0.05s
Kendini Özgürleştir! - They Don't Want You.To 4 3 100% 00:08:21 67% 0.18s
Befreie dich - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 0% 00:00:03 0% 0.06s
Kampagne - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 0% 00:00:04 0% 0s
Liberta-te - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 0% 00:00:03 0% 0.05s
Освободитесь - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 0% 00:00:00 100% 0.07s
Сопротивляйтесь - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 0% 00:00:20 100% 0.05s

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Entry page titles

 Page Name    Entrances    Bounces    Bounce Rate  
Free yourself - They Don't Want You.To 89 46 52%
Resist - They Don't Want You.To 1 0 0%
Street - They Don't Want You.To 1 0 0%
Campaign - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 100%
Kendini Özgürleştir! - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 100%

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Exit page titles

 Page Name    Exits    Unique Pageviews    Exit rate  
Free yourself - They Don't Want You.To 54 90 60%
Resist - They Don't Want You.To 26 35 74%
Street - They Don't Want You.To 3 9 33%
Campaign - They Don't Want You.To 6 7 86%
Kendini Özgürleştir! - They Don't Want You.To 2 3 67%
Освободитесь - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 100%
Сопротивляйтесь - They Don't Want You.To 1 1 100%

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 Clicked URL    Unique Clicks    Clicks  
diasp.eu 5 5
fsfe.org 5 5
eff.org 3 3
twitter.com 3 3
www.edri.org 3 3
gitorious.org 1 1

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Referrer Type

 Referrer Type    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Revenue  
Websites 60 109 1.82 00:00:49 58.33% 0 €
Direct Entry 30 62 2.07 00:01:35 46.67% 0 €
Search Engines 4 18 4.5 00:01:17 0% 0 €

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All Referrers

 Referrer    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
Keyword not defined 4 18 4.5 00:01:17 0% 0%
t.co 3 7 2.33 00:01:11 66.67% 0%
m.facebook.com 21 36 1.71 00:00:18 61.9% 0%
www.facebook.com 36 66 1.83 00:01:06 55.56% 0%

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 Keyword    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Revenue  
Keyword not defined 4 18 4.5 00:01:17 0% 0 €

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 Website    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Revenue  
www.facebook.com 36 66 1.83 00:01:06 55.56% 0 €
m.facebook.com 21 36 1.71 00:00:18 61.9% 0 €
t.co 3 7 2.33 00:01:11 66.67% 0 €

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Search Engines

 Search Engine    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Revenue  
  Google 4 18 4.5 00:01:17 0% 0 €

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Social Networks

 Social network    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
  Facebook 57 102 1.79 00:00:48 57.89% 0%
  Twitter 3 7 2.33 00:01:11 66.67% 0%

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 Country    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Revenue  
  Norway 52 95 1.83 00:00:54 59.62% 0 €
  United States 22 48 2.18 00:00:28 50% 0 €
  Spain 6 11 1.83 00:00:27 50% 0 €
  United Kingdom 4 8 2 00:02:45 25% 0 €
  Turkey 4 11 2.75 00:06:34 25% 0 €
  Sweden 3 4 1.33 00:00:20 66.67% 0 €
  Belarus 1 2 2 00:00:20 0% 0 €
  Germany 1 4 4 00:01:39 0% 0 €
  Japan 1 6 6 00:02:38 0% 0 €

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 Region    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Revenue  
  Unknown 94 189 2.01 00:01:05 52.13% 0 €

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 City    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Revenue  
  Unknown 94 189 2.01 00:01:05 52.13% 0 €

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Screen Resolution

 Resolution    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
1366x768 18 39 2.17 00:00:59 44.44% 0%
1920x1080 15 29 1.93 00:00:36 40% 0%
1280x800 8 23 2.88 00:00:43 50% 0%
320x568 5 6 1.2 00:00:05 80% 0%
320x480 4 4 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
360x640 4 9 2.25 00:00:48 50% 0%
1440x900 4 5 1.25 00:00:11 75% 0%
384x592 3 9 3 00:00:42 66.67% 0%
768x1024 3 7 2.33 00:08:42 33.33% 0%
1024x768 3 6 2 00:00:42 0% 0%
1600x900 3 3 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
1920x1200 3 6 2 00:00:33 0% 0%
360x592 2 11 5.5 00:01:35 0% 0%
640x960 2 4 2 00:00:21 50% 0%
720x1280 2 3 1.5 00:00:11 50% 0%
854x480 2 3 1.5 00:00:01 50% 0%
1280x1024 2 4 2 00:12:27 50% 0%
2560x1440 2 3 1.5 00:00:30 50% 0%
320x450 1 2 2 00:00:39 0% 0%
480x800 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
720x1184 1 6 6 00:02:38 0% 0%
1280x720 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
1400x1050 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
Others 3 3 1 00:00:00 100% 0%

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Visitor Browser

 Browser    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
  Chrome 51 115 2.25 00:01:14 47.06% 0%
  Safari 25 45 1.8 00:01:19 60% 0%
  Firefox 15 25 1.67 00:00:25 53.33% 0%
  Opera 2 3 1.5 00:00:14 50% 0%
  Unknown 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%

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Browser Version

 Browser version    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
  Chrome 31.0 44 93 2.11 00:01:02 50% 0%
  Safari 6.0 14 23 1.64 00:00:19 71.43% 0%
  Firefox 26.0 10 18 1.8 00:00:34 50% 0%
  Safari 4.0 7 10 1.43 00:00:09 57.14% 0%
  Safari 7.0 3 8 2.67 00:08:46 33.33% 0%
  Chrome 28.0 2 6 3 00:05:20 0% 0%
  Chrome 32.0 2 6 3 00:01:00 50% 0%
  Opera 12.16 2 3 1.5 00:00:14 50% 0%
  Chrome 1.5 1 3 3 00:01:57 0% 0%
  Chrome 18.0 1 6 6 00:02:38 0% 0%
  Chrome 24.0 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
  Firefox 8.0 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
  Firefox 9.0 1 2 2 00:00:09 0% 0%
  Firefox 13.0 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
  Firefox 17.0 1 2 2 00:00:20 0% 0%
  Firefox 25.0 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
  Safari 5.1 1 4 4 00:00:59 0% 0%
  Unknown 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%

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Browser Family

 Browser family    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
WebKit (Safari, Chrome) 76 160 2.11 00:01:15 51.32% 0%
Gecko (Firefox) 15 25 1.67 00:00:25 53.33% 0%
Presto (Opera) 2 3 1.5 00:00:14 50% 0%
Unknown 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%

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Browser Plugins

 Plugin    Visits    % Visits  
  Cookie 94 100%
  Java 70 74.5%
  Flash 63 67%
  Pdf 49 52.1%
  Quicktime 42 44.7%
  Silverlight 41 43.6%
  Windowsmedia 28 29.8%
  Director 10 10.6%
  Realplayer 2 2.1%
  Gears 0 0%

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Normal / Widescreen

 Type of screen    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
  Wide 59 115 1.95 00:00:36 50.85% 0%
  Mobile 20 42 2.1 00:00:29 65% 0%
  Normal 14 31 2.21 00:04:03 35.71% 0%

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Operating System

 Operating system    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
  Windows 7 26 51 1.96 00:00:31 42.31% 0%
  Android 17 45 2.65 00:00:43 47.06% 0%
  Mac OS 14 30 2.14 00:00:29 64.29% 0%
  iPhone 11 14 1.27 00:00:06 81.82% 0%
  Linux 8 15 1.88 00:04:29 50% 0%
  Windows 8 8 16 2 00:00:38 50% 0%
  iPad 3 7 2.33 00:08:42 33.33% 0%
  Windows NT 2 2 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
  Windows Vista 2 4 2 00:00:34 0% 0%
  Windows XP 2 3 1.5 00:00:08 50% 0%
  Windows Server 2003 / XP x64 1 2 2 00:00:09 0% 0%

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Visitor Configuration

 Configuration    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
Windows 7 / Chrome / 1366x768 10 21 2.1 00:00:22 50% 0%
iPhone / Safari / 320x568 5 6 1.2 00:00:05 80% 0%
Android / Chrome / 360x640 4 9 2.25 00:00:48 50% 0%
iPhone / Safari / 320x480 4 4 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
Mac OS / Chrome / 1280x800 4 10 2.5 00:00:33 50% 0%
Windows 7 / Chrome / 1920x1080 4 8 2 00:00:55 25% 0%
Android / Chrome / 384x592 3 9 3 00:00:42 66.67% 0%
iPad / Safari / 768x1024 3 7 2.33 00:08:42 33.33% 0%
Mac OS / Safari / 1280x800 3 12 4 00:01:12 33.33% 0%
Windows 7 / Firefox / 1366x768 3 8 2.67 00:00:54 33.33% 0%
Windows 8 / Chrome / 1920x1080 3 10 3.33 00:01:25 0% 0%
Android / Chrome / 360x592 2 11 5.5 00:01:35 0% 0%
Android / Safari / 720x1280 2 3 1.5 00:00:11 50% 0%
Android / Safari / 854x480 2 3 1.5 00:00:01 50% 0%
iPhone / Safari / 640x960 2 4 2 00:00:21 50% 0%
Linux / Chrome / 1366x768 2 6 3 00:05:20 0% 0%
Linux / Firefox / 1920x1080 2 3 1.5 00:00:10 50% 0%
Mac OS / Chrome / 1440x900 2 2 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
Windows 7 / Chrome / 1920x1200 2 4 2 00:00:37 0% 0%
Windows 8 / Chrome / 1600x900 2 2 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
Windows 8 / Firefox / 1366x768 2 3 1.5 00:00:23 50% 0%
Android / Chrome / 720x1184 1 6 6 00:02:38 0% 0%
Android / Safari / 0x0 1 1 1 00:00:00 100% 0%
Others 26 37 1.42 00:01:10 61.54% 0%

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Operating System Family

 Operating system family    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
  Windows 41 78 1.9 00:00:29 43.9% 0%
  Android 17 45 2.65 00:00:43 47.06% 0%
  Mac 14 30 2.14 00:00:29 64.29% 0%
  iOS 14 21 1.5 00:01:57 71.43% 0%
  Linux 8 15 1.88 00:04:29 50% 0%

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Mobile vs Desktop

 Mobile vs Desktop    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
  Desktop 63 123 1.95 00:01:00 49.21% 0%
  Mobile 31 66 2.13 00:01:16 58.06% 0%

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Browser language

 Language    Visits    Actions    Actions per Visit    Avg. Time on Website    Bounce Rate    Conversion Rate  
English 46 89 1.93 00:01:07 52.17% 0%
Norwegian Bokma°l 33 67 2.03 00:01:17 57.58% 0%
Spanish 6 11 1.83 00:00:27 50% 0%
Swedish 3 4 1.33 00:00:20 66.67% 0%
Turkish 3 8 2.67 00:00:27 33.33% 0%
Belarusian 1 2 2 00:00:20 0% 0%
German 1 4 4 00:01:39 0% 0%
Norwegian Nynorsk 1 4 4 00:01:23 0% 0%

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