> They Don't Want You To

This campaign is very important; please feel free to discuss it with me on or off the list.

Are there any visual themes or particular signifiers that you're wanting to make use of in this campaign? I notice that the look of it so far seems to be somewhere between grunge and indie.

The first thing that comes into my head is the disconnect between what companies say (advertise) and mean (licences, and whatnot). Perhaps a series of graphics that look like stereotypical advertisements but actually depict examples of the restrictions that you're wanting to bring peoples' attention to?

Like a very 'tastefully' shot photo of a printer in an immaculate home, prominently featuring a waste-basket with a ink cartridge refill kit sat in it, with a tagline such as "Trust us to let you print what you want, how we want you to."

Perhaps not a great example, but you get the idea?

Chris Hayes