Hi Max,

On 12/02/19 15:57, Max Mehl wrote:
I thought about this as well, but the focus of FOSS4SMEs is more on Free
Software *users* and *newcomers*. As far as I understand REUSE, that's a
bit different from its target group. But I'd be happy to discuss this.

maybe you are right on this.

The target groups for REUSE in my understanding are:
  1. Software Developers who have been tasked by management to annotate copyright and licensing information in the repository
  2. Software Architects looking for projects/libraries/components with compatible licenses to their software architecture/project licensing policy
End-users and newcomers are not the main target. Even if some content, which could be interesting for end-users, like basic copyright and licensing principles, could also be interesting for the developers, who sometimes do really lack the basics.

Therefore I could imagine that REUSE could be a communication channel towards developers of the FOSS4SMEs content.

What do you think?

Patrick Ohnewein
Free Software Foundation Europe - https://fsfe.org