Hi Marcel,


Thanks for considering REUSE for your new project!


I couldn’t extract whether you considered HTML comments in your files, and if so, what would speak against them. This is the default comment style the REUSE helper tool uses for .md files. So far, in my practical experience with GitHub, GitLab, various IDEs or the Hugo static site generator, this never failed on me.


Depending on the implementation, it’s questionable whether the comment will appear as a comment in a rendered HTML source code eventually, sometimes this is even configurable. But copyright/license information usually isn’t something I would need to hide from curious visitors.


I have no real-life experience with the other comment styles you proposed. Within REUSE, I cannot recall a discussion/issue where this was requested, so changing the default will probably not happen. However, the project might consider accepting an optional comment style.






Max Mehl

Open Source Strategy & Governance

Enterprise-Team Chief Technology Office (CTO)

DB Systel GmbH / Deutsche Bahn


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