Wow, die haben Tanja Lange am Start! Das ist in puncto Crypto und Security der beste Move, der für solch ein Projekt überhaupt vorstellbar ist!

On February 28, 2024 3:18:46 AM GMT+01:00, Ilu <> wrote:
Hallo Liste,

da hier ja gerade Zahlungssysteme thematisiert werden, möchte ich kurz Gnu Taler bzw. in den Raum werfen. Die gibts schon länger, sind aber offensichtlich jetzt im App-verse angekommen und das meine ich keineswegs negativ. Jemand schon mal probiert?

Ich hoffe, die schaffen es, den geplanten Digital Euro zu integrieren. Falls wer Infos hat über einen Vergleich zwischen beidem hinsichtlich der zugrundeliegenden Technik, Implementierung, Kompatibilität oder ähnliches hat, bitte gern an mich.

Bei der Gelegeneheit möchte ich auch folgende Info verbreiten, vielleicht interessiert es wen (Infos auch unter
My name is Eleftherios Chelioudakis <> and I represent Homo Digitalis, a civil society organisation that participates in NGI pilot TALER.

... <snip weil hier irrelevant> ...

*What is NGI TALER?*
The NGI TALER is funded as a pilot under the NGI initiative within the
European Commission's Horizon Europe research funding program. It is
operated by a consortium of 11 partners from 8 European countries (Belgium,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Switzerland and The
Netherlands) with the mandate to roll out an innovative, best-in-class
electronic payment system that benefits everyone: end-consumers, merchants,
banks, financial authorities, auditors and anti-corruption researchers! The
project builds upon the strong foundations of GNU Taler — the
privacy-preserving digital payment system developed by the GNU community
and Taler Systems SA with support from the NGI initiative. Read more *here

*What is this Open Call about?*
Part of the budget of NGI TALER is reserved for open calls to fund
additional free software and open source efforts that are aligned with the
topics and approach of NGI TALER.

Applicants can contribute exciting new capabilities to GNU Taler itself,
build auxiliary tools or work on user experience, but they could also be
developing integrations into FOSS applications and open standards (enabling
P2P micropayments in for instance an instant messenger, open social media
platform or video conferencing tool), or work on improvements to
infrastructure components like merchant back-ends. The open call is open
since 1/2/2024 and the *deadline* to submit application is *April 1st 2024
12:00 CEST*! Applicants can apply only with proposals between 5.000 and
50.000 euro (60.000 euro is the cumulative absolute hard limit for any
applicant for the program). We have created a dedicated webpage with more
info about the wide range of activities that qualify for financial support
and the eligibility criteria *here <>*.

*How can you help us?*

It would be wonderful to apply if you are interested or promote this open
call to your contacts and allies! We hope to receive interesting
applications from the free software and open source communities!

-I attach here our press release, which you can share widely.
-Also, we have made some posts about this Open Call in our channels on
Mastodon <> and LinkedIn
Feel free to spread the message there also.

I apologise for the long email. We remain at your disposal for any
questions and clarifications! Thank you so much for your time reading our

Kind regards,
Eleftherios Chelioudakis
Secretary of the Board of Directors, Homo Digitalis
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