Hi Daniel,

I'd be interested in mentoring someone on the click-to-call or telify or a SIP or webRTC related project.  We at http://icehook.com have lots of experience with those, especially on our http://firertc.com product.  I was actually a Google Summer of Coder myself about a decade ago so I'm somewhat familiar with the process.

- Keith

On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 5:36 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm starting this thread to track contact from potential interns and
mentors for this project in GSoC and Outreachy.

If you are interested as a student or mentor please feel free to reply
on this thread.  Projects won't go ahead without sufficient mentors so
if you or anybody you know may be interested in mentoring that would
help a lot.

Other members of the community are also welcome to reply to individual
students, for example, if you see a student in the city where you live
please feel free to invite them to a local event.

I'm embedding a link in the wiki with this thread ID so replies from
applicants should be threaded for everybody's convenience.

Full project details on the wiki[1].



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