On 24/03/16 06:28, Nik V wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm Nik, dutch and I study knowledge engineering in Maastricht. I saw Daniel Pocock's blog post on /r/linux and got interested in participating due to the possibility of decreasing the influence of the likes of skype and whatsapp, especially after the current problems with skype on linux. I browsed through the FreeRTC projects looking for Java issues as I am most comfortable in java. I found both the Jitsi issues and the Apache Camel issue to my liking. I am planning on applying my proposal through the Debian organization but I was not able to make a wiki account yet due to a spam attack.

For any Debian wiki issues, please try asking for help on the IRC channels and if you don't get an answer, you can send an email.  You need to connect to the oftc IRC server and join the #debian-soc and #debian-www channels.  You can find out more about contacting the wiki admins here:


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