Le 12/10/2015 12:41, Adam Burns a écrit :
Hi Daniel,

Great! Best wishes for this project.

Still glancing through it, but here is some quick proofreading ...


Scalabiltiy and code quality


Asterisk has involved in other ways and some people feel the range of features Asterisk offers for developing their customized applications is superior and more relevant to them than scalability.

Asterisk has *evolved* (?)

Just a quick note, I see an equivalence in VoIP systems and MTAs.

Because it was an early instantiation standard and had to deal with divergent protocols or broken standards, Sendmail in the MTA world was a "Swiss Army Knife", evolving to deal with a myriad of protocols and different external system quirks. Newer MTAs were written with more of a "legacy free" approach, allowing for easier fresh, cleaner and often more scalable, robust design. Asterisk in this sense is the "Sendmail" of the VoIP world.

Looking forward to reading through the rest in more detail,

Best Wishes,


On 12/10/15 12:28, Daniel Pocock wrote:
I just put some details about the book on my blog[1]

There are some questions in the second half of the blog and if anybody
can provide feedback on them through this list that would be great.

1. http://danielpocock.com/rtc-quick-start-becoming-a-book-now-in-beta
Free-RTC mailing list

Free-RTC mailing list

I am interested to have free RTC using asterisk server,do you have the solution?