Hi all,

really looking forward to my first FOSDEM ever! Can I say I'm excited AND scared as if it's my first day of school? :-)

I've heard of the call for volunteers about recordings of the presentations. Since I'm one of the presenters, I decided to come up with a simple way to record my own presentation. I'm pasting it below in case other presenters may choose to do the same for their own, if not just as a fallback in case other options fail:



ffmpeg -video_size $SIZE -framerate $FPS \
-f x11grab -i $COORDS \
-f alsa -ac 1 -i pulse \

As you can see, it's a really dumb script that just uses ffmpeg/libav to record the desktop (in my case the screen to the right of my laptop, at 1366x0, as there's where the beamer will get my 1024x768 feed from) and the audio from the laptop microphone. There are probably other fancyer ways this could be done and in a better way (e.g., gstreamer videomixer and the like), but this seems like an easy and quick solution enough for recording slides and audio of the talk, which is probably all that matters (speaker video missing but I'm not that good looking anyway!). Should video be recorded some other way as well, the two might be mixed together ex post somehow.

I realize this is not actually a very general solution to the recordings requirement, but if you're going to present too and like the idea, feel free to re-use and/or improve/fix!

See you in Bruxelles!