Dear all,

our 3rd Newsletter was sent last Friday. I am forwarding you this e-mail in case you havent received it.


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Από: Katerina <>
Date: Παρ, 26 Ιουλ 2019 στις 11:51 π.μ.
Subject: FOSS4SMEs Newsletter No. 3
To: <>

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Newsletter No. 3

Erasmus+ Project
“Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for SMEs”
Start: 01-10-2017 – End: 30-09-2019
Project Reference: 2017-1-EL01-KA202-036112


Our free online course on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for small and medium enterprises is ready to provide you with an overview of the most important FOSS concepts and solutions that are available today for you to consider and use in your own business.

Do you want to have a look and test it? Then contact us at:



Coordinator & Contact:

Atlantis Engineering S.A.


Phone: +30 2310 233 266



We will present the course and our project results in the GNOME Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece on August 23-28!

 Join us here:

The European Digital Learning Network has presented the first project results to representatives of the target group during its event held the last 12 June in Turin! Participants welcomed the commitment showed towards FOSS solutions and open standards, expressing positive impressions about the training course and the ECVET FOSS Business Users competence profile. The contacts collected during the event showed high motivation to participate further in the project and give their contribution, by testing the upcoming final version of the course in its different usage scenarios!

Stay tuned, more updates are coming!


OpenForum Europe is hard at work on developing Policy Recommendations for the project. The Policy Recommendation Report is an integral part of the FOSS4SMEs project without which the FOSS4SMEs project’s impact will be severely restricted. It’s contents will be designed to support the exploitation of the project results. This means the uptake of the course itself in SMEs, supporting the re-usage of the course and/or its parts and support the European policy environment for FOSS usage by SMEs.

The FOSS4SMEs consortium invites you to Brussels on 25 September to explore these and more questions with our distinguished panel from academia, SMEs and Open Source. Visit our website to find more information and registration.

Additionally, we occasionally post updates and interesting information on our social media channels twitter & facebook: @FOSS4SMEs, LinkedIn: .

Check them out and follow us there to stay up to date with the further developments and improvements of the e-learning platform.
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Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


