Dear Max,

its nice to have you back again. Thank you for your questions. You will find my answers between your lines marked in blue.
I hope I clarified everything. In case you have further questions, dont hesitate to contact me.

By the way, thank you so much for supporting Francesco in this urgent impact task. Great work.


Στις Τετ, 26 Ιουν 2019 στις 7:07 μ.μ., ο/η Max Mehl <> έγραψε:
Dear Katerina,

Thanks for the updates. Sivan, Galia and I have been a bit confused about review tasks in O2:

~ Katerina Tsinari [2019-06-24 13:28 +0200]:
> *Peer Review of** O2/A1 Training Plan by OFE+FSFE: *to be completed the > latest by 05.07

Do you see any benefit in reviewing a document which sets the ground for the work that already has been reviewed by us? I would suggest to mark this as done. Any edits by OFE and FSFE won't have any practical influence as the actual work already has been done, discussed, and agreed on.
--> You are right that is document was supposed to be developed before the training content in 11.18. This is not my decision, but TUD insisted to deliver this later and I am sorry that I didnt manage to have it sooner. It was not possible due to multiple delays of all partners. The problem now is, that there are many grammar and spelling mistakes inside the Training Plan, which is one of the main deliverables of O2. I can mark this review as done as soon as you send me the special template filled out. I mean the one described in the process in the Qualit Plan: "the result will be evaluated considering formal aspects, like comprehensiveness, clar­ity and completeness". If you choose not to, then its your decision. The influence your review can have, is that we can correct the mistakes I mentioned in the document, which should be sent to me in an updated version by tonight.

> *Platfrom Design Plan*: Is in Keybase: K:\team\foss4smes\2.> Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A3 Distance Learning Platform. à Peer Review from FSFE and OFE by 28.06. Do you refer to "Design plan for the distant learning platform" of O2/A3 which should have been finished in 12.18 according to the latest MCE plan (A2_Management and Coordination Plan_v.15.pdf in Keybase, page 16)?
--> Yes, I do.
If so, N. 49 states that OFE and FSFE are peer reviewing O2/A3 which contains this design plan as well as "Development and customisation of
the platform", "Content import and management support", and "Testing". *BUT* the responsibility column states that OFE and FSFE have to do the "Final test" and not a review of all steps (so unlike O2/A1).
--> I wrote only the word "Final testing", because I couldnt write more inside this box of the table. The tabe is just a graphical display of what is written n the MCE Plan in detail, trying to give you a quick overview of all the tasks. Again here, we need to follow the same Peer Review process as usually. The "Design Plan" document is a deliverable of O2 and has many mistakes, like for example needs to be formatted according to our deliverable templates etc. So I will need you to do this sooner or later. I explained in our last telco, that from now on I am starting to ask you to Peer Review single tasks of activities, as waiting for a whole activity to be finished and to review it as a whole, is not possible anymore in this project. The delays we are currently facing are not allowing us to proceed like this anymore. You were not in the telco, so you missed this info.

Since we moved O2/A2 (translations) to after O2/A3, I think we only have to review it in depth as soon as everything is finished.
--> O2/A2 should start in July for all team members as soon as I let you know. O2/A3 will be completed from each partner independantly: Design Plan and development of the platform is ready by ATL, Contet import and testing will be done from each colleague alone in his own translated course (FSFE, DLEARN, ALT and maybe SKUNI if they choose to translate as well). O2/A4 should then be completed before the meeting in Brussels. This means that the Peer Review in O2/A3 is only the Design Plan document (now) and the Moodle Platform as a whole (the second one I will check with Ifigeneia how we do it - maybe in September).

Interestingly, N. 67 also states that FSFE and OFE are doing the Evaluation of the Final release (O2/A5). It's a bit unclear to us how
this is different from the other evaluation we're doing beforehand though.
--> Please read the proposal to understand the differences among the activities of O2. This has to do with the implementation of the feedback received in O2/A4 and is as a result another evaluation. When we are there, we will see how we will handle this activity. We will find a solution that fits everyone, since all partners are involved in this activity before u do the review.


Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
Contact and information: | @mxmehl
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Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


