Dear Brian,

my first draft of the content for Unit 1 is ready. I think this can give a first idea to our team of how this deliverable can look like. Of course, there are still many points to rethink and I am sending you herealong some that came to my mind, while I was working on my part. Maybe you/we can consider them as we go on with O2/A1.

Let me know if we want to talk in the coming days.

My thoughts/questions:
- do we need to provide the sources within our text? Are hyperlinks enough? Do we prefer to gather all our sources and put them as a literature list somewhere else away from the text?
- what do u think of the length of the text produced? It is supposed to be introductory and not very detailed, but sometimes it felt so hard to reduce words. I think your suggestion with max. 1,500 words was pretty right.
- which part of the unit do we want to turn into a video?
- what do you think of the structure of my document? Is it clear enough?
- what do you think of the sources I used?
- should I proceed and place relevant pictures inside my text or to the side of each part?
- the lesson introduction and summary can be added easier after one finalizes the main texts.
- assessment quizzes will be added later, when we define the assessment procedure.
- I have a question concerning lesson "1.2. Part 2 - The different types of ‘freedom’ implied in the FOSS concept". Is this maybe the same with “1.1. Part 2”? I cant tell the difference here and I would need some help with literature sources.
- Similarly I don't know what to write in "1.3. Part 4 - The issues related to responsibilities". Any suggestions?
- Finally I feel I could use some help with "Title: 1.4 FOSS communities and their ways of collaboration". I couldn't find nice sources for this lesson and its parts.

I am looking forward to your reply and feedback.
Of course all colleagues are welcome to contribute to this discussion, as our collaboration is very useful at this stage. Maybe we see that there are points we need to discuss together in our next telco in 18.09.18.

Thank you all in advance.




Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266



