Hi all,

Some information on the transnational meeting and multiplier event in Brussels.

The draft schedule is as follows, slight changes possible. You will receive calendar invites shortly. A more detailed agenda will follow at a later point:

24 September, 13:00 - 19:00: Transnational meeting (Room Louise I, Clifford Chance, Avenue Louise 65, 1050 Bruxelles)
24 September, 20:00 - open: Dinner (tbd)
25 September, 09:00 - 13:00: Transnational meeting (Room Louise I, Clifford Chance, Avenue Louise 65, 1050 Bruxelles)
25 September, 15:30 - 17:30: Multiplier event on Policy Recommendation Report, please register here (L42 business center & workspaces, Rue de la Loi 42, 1040 Bruxelles)

Disappointingly, there seems to be a big event happening in Brussels on the dates we have chosen, as such hotels are very expensive and often already fully booked. We considered moving the event, but as some have already booked their flights, we will stick with the original date. The hotels we usually recommend are all booked or extremely expensive (€600+ per night), so my recommendations are purely based on online searching. We recommend booking as soon as possible. Also maybe consider AirBnB and similar services.

Hotel Retro: Chausee de Haecht 3, Sint-Joost-ten-Node. Close to north station where trains from the airport arrive, close to metro reaching all venues. Currently still very reasonably priced and well reviewed, but the area is not so nice.

Izan Avenue Louse: Rue Blanche 4, Ixelles. Close to the venue of the transnational meeting in a nice area, but less direct connection to metro, airport and multiplier event venue. Currently still reasonably priced and reviews are good.

Zoom Hotel: Rue de la Concorde 59-61, Ixelles. Directly at venue of transnational meeting with a good connection to metro to reach the train station to the airport and the venue of the multiplier event. Price is higher, very well reviewed.

Please reach out if you have any questions regarding this or on the locations. You can enter your travel details in a file on keybase here: team/foss4smes/5. Meetings/4. Brussels


Sivan Pätsch
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