Dear partners,

I hope everything is fine with all of you!

As activity leader, and after an internal discussion with Katerina, I would  like to give you some updates and guidance on the current status of the O1, with some further information on our next steps:


A.      FIELD RESEARCH – These are the results as I checked them earlier in the limesurvey:

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i.                     In total, we currently have 142 records complete (compliments to Germany and Greece for the excellent numbers!), which is not a bad result considered that we were expected to have 120 (20x6). Unfortunately, we still miss responses from some countries to reach the individual threshold. We suggest to the partner to reach out individual contacts to get the missing responses. This is the approach we will adopt here in Italy starting from the next week, (since we are currently in the Easter week and some offices might be closed until Tuesday 3/04), and that worked out successfully for Greece. After this is done, the survey will be closed and we will start to analyse our results, which are to be included in the “Field Research” as the second part of our Country Reports.

ii.               The interim check on the survey results is not going to be conducted, as we thought that at this stage it would not be feasible.

iii.                  Since UK, Ireland and Sweden are supposed to be all using the English version of the questionnaire, and given the absence of a specific question on the country of origin of each respondent (which would have allowed us to filter the results accordingly), we have come out with the following solutions:

-          UK / IE: reach 40 responses in total and then share the results;

-          SW: even if we have not a Swedish translation of the survey, the system categorises as “Swedish” the queries which start with the Swedish language set. Then, when sending out the survey, the Swedish partner should use this link ( and inform their audience to keep the Swedish language set.

After this is done, we as DLEARN will produce a single summary of the final conclusions of all results together. This will be added to the single report, which P1 will upload in the Mobility Tool for the Greek National Agency.

In light of the above, the new and final deadlines for O1/A1 are the following:

13/04 -> survey closed and responses collected
25/04 -> results analysed, field research complete, reports complete.

Although we are a bit behind schedule, we will try to catch up by focusing on the closure of O1/A1 by April, trying then to win time by working intensively on O1/A2 during the Berlin Meeting, where Dlearn will provide some guidelines and background on the ECVET system, which is the reference framework for the development of the FOSS-BU curriculum which we are going to develop by the next June.
Given that the learning outcomes of the curriculum will be shaped in accordance with the learners’ needs identified by the survey, it is of utmost importance at this stage to finalise the survey and the reports on time, so that no further delays occur. We plan to have discussions and working sessions on O1/A2 at the Berlin meeting, similar to the ones in the kick-off meeting, with the hope of getting mutual agreement on our next steps and tangible results.

Lastly, please find at the link below the 6th month review we have put together for the project evaluation:


You are asked to provide your opinions on the project management and implementation so far, while expressing  your expectations, wishes and concerns with relation to the next phases of the project. 
Please take the survey by the next 13th of April, so we will be able to share the results and discuss them at the Berlin meeting. 

Thank you for reaching the end of this very long mail  and for all the effort you have put so far in the project!

Wish you all a nice Easter!

Best regards,

Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623
