Dear partners,

in Keybase you will find our agenda for the teleconference taking place this Thursday.

This telco was supposed to take place in "".
I checked the page, but I saw that I can create a room for our videoconferencing only for 4 people for free.
As we are going to be 7, we need to do it again in Framatalk and discuss a solution for our next meeting.

Looking forward to see u online.


On 8 January 2018 at 14:10, Katerina Tsinari <> wrote:
Dear all,

thank you for helping me organise our next teleconference.
I am very happy that we could find a date that suits us all.

According to the poll, our date is for the 18th of January, at 12.00 o clock UTC.

Some of our coming points of discussion are: Feedback on the "Quality Plan", Translation and dissemination of the "Questionnaire", the "Dissemination and Exploitation Plan", the "Management, Coordination and Evaluation Plan", the "Data Protection Officer", Reporting rules etc.
Please send me any discussion points for our agenda by the end of this week.
I plan to send you on Monday our first official telco-agenda with instructions on the FOSS tool we are going to use.

Looking forward to talk to you!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Katerina Tsinari <>
Date: 19 December 2017 at 11:41
Subject: FOSS4SMEs 2nd teleconference - poll is open
To: FOSS4SMEs mailing list <>
Cc: Cosmas Vamvalis <>

Dear partners,

it is decided to postpone the telco of this week, as only 3 out of the 6 partners are available.

The "Methodological Framework" together with the questionnaire, that was scheduled to be presented during our meeting, will be e-mailed to all team members from Dlearn this week.

Similarly, ATL plans to send a first draft of the "Management, Coordination and Evaluation Plan" by next week.

I have created a new poll in Framadate called: "FOSS4SMEs 2nd Teleconference":

I hope we manage to find a suitable date for our next online meeting.

Dont forget that the suggested time is UTC and e-mail me as soon as possible if there is still no suitable time for u in the poll.







Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266







Katerina Tsinari Stamkopoulos