Dear all,

I would like to update you on our status today.

Timesheets and Certificates of participation – Dublin Meet.: Pending from TUD.

Final multiplier event in Brussels: Please remember to make your travel arrangements for Brussels. Dear Sivan, can you please create a table where we can insert our travel information? Can you please suggest nearby hotels for us? Thank you! Concerning the Agenda of the event, please remember to discuss this with Francesco and me, as he is developing some of the impact tools, that need to be used during this event.

O3/A1 Draft Terms of Reference and Policy Brief: Sivan, when can I have a first draft? By the end of April we should have finished O3/A1. Remember to send us also the draft "model to project potential impact" to us, to support you on this task timely.

Website news section: Dear FSFE, can you please coordinate us for the insertion of new “news” in this section of the websiteas discussed in our last telco?

Project poster: Dear Sivan, can you please send to the consortium a first proposal?

O2/A1 Training Plan and self-diagnostic tools: Dear Brian, can we complete this task within April, so that O2/A4 can happen in May? It is now really urgent and we cant wait until the upload is complete anymore. Francesco has done also some great work towards this direction that you could use yourself too. He is developing Impact tools that are going to be used before and after the completion of our training course by the participants. So please stay in contact with him and myself on this to see how we can implement this digitally.

O2 videos: Dear Brian, can we have the videos ready by the end of April? We would then be able to show them during May. Let me know what Peter says.

Dissemination Progress Report (M18): Dear Galia, have u got my e-mail inviting you to a call on the report? Do u have any questions on my feedback? When can I have the updated document from you?

Stakeholders Matrix: Each partner should insert 25 entries in the table. Dear Max, can you please inform me when this task is complete? Looking at the impact tasks with Francesco we realised that this is included there as well, so we cant avoid it anymore.

Multiplier Events: Remember to plan these events and use them in order to conduct the training activities required for O2/A4. We will need fotos etc from you.

O2 - Tools (surveys and a model for collection of case studies) by DLEARN: Francesco and I had a long Skype yesterday. He has prepared some tools for us and we want to have an extra call with you on the 2nd of May, so that he can explain the tasks to you, and you can ask him questions. Before our call, he will have sent you the required information per email, so that you have a look before the call. We are talking about proposal pages 62-63 on impact. Please let me know your availability here - times are in CET:

Update content on moodle: Dear Sivan, I ve seen your e-mail. There is no specific date set from us. We seem to be unable to keep the deadlines lately... I suggest that you try to finish this task before Brian and Francesco finish with their tasks. After that we will all be ready to start our training sessions and assessments.

Hope my long e-mail help you a bit! Take care and talk to u soon!





Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


