Dear Max and Sivan,

I havent heard from you lately. Can you please update me on our status concerning your 2nd review?
I was expecting to hear from you today and receive your feedback on my unit, as our plan is to start finalising the units from Monday the 11th. Do we have any difficulties or delays?

Thanks for letting me know.


Στις Κυρ, 3 Φεβ 2019 στις 8:18 μ.μ., ο/η Katerina Tsinari <> έγραψε:
Dear Max,

as agreed, I have now managed to upload my updated Unit in Keybase and I am excited to get your next reply/feedback on Friday the 8th.

During the next round of your Peer Review with OFE, you could check also if everyone has followed the agreed structure and exend/textsize as agreed in the Activity Plan (you probably did this already). I have summarised it in the following bullet points and added some new ones to help us further stay consistent. What do you think of this list? Are we all fulfilling these points in our units? If yes, then its really great :)

- Unit Introduction of max. 600characters;
- Each Unit should have 4 to 5 lessons;
- Lesson introduction of max. 600characters;
- Divide each lesson into 3 to 5 parts;
- Include in accordance with the textlength a min. of 2 photos/diagramms/graphics in each lesson-part (include image sources);
- Include a max. of 1500 characters per lesson-part;
- Lesson summary of max. 600characters;
- Lesson assessments: use as many assessment types as possible (Choosing the right answer; Choosing the right sentence; Multiple correct answers; Selecting the right option).

Have a nice start in February and thank you for your valuable contributions!


Στις Τετ, 30 Ιαν 2019 στις 4:12 μ.μ., ο/η Katerina Tsinari <> έγραψε:
Dear Max,

thank you for sending these guidelines right after the Dublin meeting, so that we could all start working on our texts timely. I still need to do some final refining before I upload my Unit in Keybase, but wanted to let you know alreay of my first thoughts or maybe the points that we will need to work on within Unit 1 in order to finalise it in February.

Concerning chapter “U1.L2. Part 2 - The different types of ‘freedom’” --> I am not competent enough to draft this chapter, so I suggest that we either leave it out or that a FOSS expert from our team takes it over.

Concerning chapter “U1.L2. Part 4 – Are there any disadvantages? “ --> I wonder if we want to keep this chapter within our course. TUDublin commented, that it should be presented for completeness. FSFE provided further constructive comments and SKUNI commented that it needs to be revised, as several statements are misleading and all mentioned issues apply to software provided under any terms (including FOSS and proprietary terms). I decided to keep it for now and revised it, but I suggest that a FOSS expert from our team takes it over.

Concerning chapter “U1.L3. Part 3 – Choosing the necessary licence for a business” --> I wonder if we want to keep this chapter here, as this is probably part of a later unit. Peer Reviewers should check this. If I do need to draft it, I will need suggestions on sources, as I couldn’t find myself any.

Concerning chapter “U1.L3 Part 4 – Responsibilities of FOSS users” --> TUDublin suggested a different and maybe more interesting structure for this part of our lesson. Unfortunately, I lack the required sources and expertise in order to prepare it as suggested. If the Peer Reviewers think that it is necessary to re-draft it, then please provide the necessary sources.

Concerning chapter “U1.L4 Part 3 - How members of FOSS communities communicate and collaborate --> FSFE commented that this is basically the same as in Unit 5 and that we should merge them somehow or at least refer to each other. My opinion is, that since Unit 5 was not delivered during the first checks and that since TUD and SKUNI were unable to review it in relation to U1 (to see whether there is a repetition), I suggest that FSFE and OFE decide on whether we keep it or not during their next Peer Review session (as they will have a holistic view of our course) and that they inform the team on their decision along with some argumentation.

Dear Max, let me know how we want to deal with these points by 08.02. the latest. If anyone else has a suggestion-feedback, feel free to get back on me.

Thank you in advance.


Στις Δευ, 21 Ιαν 2019 στις 2:02 μ.μ., ο/η Max Mehl <> έγραψε:
Dear all,

As presented in Dublin, Sivan and I have finished the first round of peer reviews. Attached and in Keybase [^1] you will find the results with comments and in-text changes in the folders of OFE and FSFE.

Attached and in Keybase you will also find a document with recommended style guidelines which summarise issues and inconsistencies we've found in most documents. Please read and consider implementing them while editing your learning units.

Please note that all peer-reviewed documents are in the ODT format.
Please consider using LibreOffice when editing the files to guarantee best compatibility amongst all partners.

Timeline for the next steps related to O2/A1 looks like the following:

  - 03.02.: all partners updated their units based on peer review and guidelines
  - 08.02.: 2nd round of peer review finished
  - 19.02.: all partners implement feedback from 2nd peer review
  - 01.03.: raw import of all units finished

Thanks for your work! If you have any questions regarding both FSFE's and OFE's comments, please do not hesitate to ask us.


[^1]: 2. Implementation -> Outputs -> Output 2 -> A1 Training course contents -> Peer Review - 1st round

Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
Contact and information: | @mxmehl
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Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266








Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266








Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


