Dear Jonas,

thank you for your detailed reply. It helped me understand your points better. I wish there was a better way of communication apart from long e-mails. At least we have a telco tomorrow and we can use it to solve the last points of this issue with all team members.

I have replied between your lines.

Talk to you tommorow.


Στις Παρ, 23 Αυγ 2019 στις 4:43 μ.μ., ο/η Jonas Gamalielsson <> έγραψε:
Dear Katerina and all,

See our comments below.

On 2019-08-22 13:41, Katerina Tsinari wrote:
> Dear Jonas,
> I am replying to your e-mail from the 2nd of August between your lines,
> marked in blue. Looking forward to our discussion next Thursday in our
> telco.
> Best,
> Katerina
> Στις Τρί, 20 Αυγ 2019 στις 6:29 μ.μ., ο/η Katerina Tsinari
> < <>> έγραψε:
>     Dear Jonas,
>     I have now deleted the video from Unit 4. If you ever need to access
>     our project YouTube account, here are the credentials:
>     Username:
>     <>
>     Password: Foss4smes2019!%
>     I will go through my e-mails tomorrow and will get back to you on
>     the rest of your points.
>     Best,
>     Katerina
>     Στις Δευ, 5 Αυγ 2019 στις 12:03 μ.μ., ο/η Jonas Gamalielsson
>     < <>> έγραψε:
>         Dear all,
>         On Friday 2 August we became aware that there is a potential
>         copyright
>         infringement in the Youtube video (for which there is a link
>         (
>         distributed in the zip-file for unit 4
>         (
>         The
>         University of Skövde partner in the FOSS4SMEs project has not
>         obtained
>         all necessary rights for the copyrighted material (logotypes)
>         used in
>         the background of the videos which are available on Youtube. We are
>         unaware whether any other partner has obtained all necessary
>         rights for
>         the copyrighted material used in the videos, and we have
>         certainly not
>         received any documentation of that any partner or the FOSS4SMEs
>         project
>         has obtained such rights.
>         In our previous email (on 2 August 2019) we requested that the
>         video for
>         unit 4 is deleted immediately. We just checked and see that the
>         video is
>         still available on Youtube. We are very concerned because of
>         this, and
>         therefore again request that the video is deleted immediately.
>         We understand that some partners may currently be on vacation
>         and we are
>         do not know who have access to the Youtube account "FOSS4SMEs
>         Project"
>         for which the video has been uploaded. Hence, we reach out to
>         all due to
>         the urgency of this matter.
>         Best
>         Björn and Jonas
>         -------- Forwarded Message --------
>         Subject: Re: [FOSS4SMEs-team] FOSS4SMEs: Project status 29.07.19
>         Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2019 12:44:02 +0200
>         From: Jonas Gamalielsson <
>         <>>
>         To: Katerina Tsinari < <>>,
>         FOSS4SMEs mailing list
>         <
>         <>>
>         CC: Cosmas Vamvalis < <>>
>         Dear Katerina and all,
>         Thanks for the update. We are now back from our vacation and can
>         report
>         that we have obtained some valuable feedback related to O2/A4 when
>         discussing the learning content with a number of different
>         stakeholders.
>         We hope to obtain additional feedback during August and will
>         provide
>         details later.
>         We have now considered your email of 29 July, and related to
>         O2/A4 we
>         note that "Usage scenarios 2 and 3 are ready: check our page
> to find information."
>         We have checked what is currently available on the FOSS4SMEs
>         website by
>         following the link above and still find that the current
>         situation (2
>         August 2019 11:00 CET) is as follows. For usage scenario 1 there is
>         currently no link that can be used by SMEs. For usage scenario 2
>         there
>         is currently no link that can be used by SMEs. For usage
>         scenario 3,
>         based on our assessment, no unit provided via the website can be
>         distributed to SMEs.
>         The "O2/A4 assessment methodology and tools" (version 3.0) document
>         details three usage scenarios. The link referred to at the web page
>         ( for usage scenario 1
>         ( does certainly not comply
>         with what
>         has been discussed at the Dublin meeting and agreed in the document
>         "O2/A4 assessment methodology and tools" (version 3.0).
>         Further, the link referred to at the web page
>         ( for usage scenario 2
>         ( does
>         certainly not comply with what has been discussed at the Dublin
>         meeting
>         and agreed in the document "O2/A4 assessment methodology and tools"
>         (version 3.0). The content of the zip-file does not contain all
>         that is
>         necessary in order to "install the entire training system with its
>         associated learning content for local (on premise) use". There
>         are a
>         number of reasons for this. One reason is that the zip-file does
>         not
>         contain "the entire training system".
> --> I will ask our IT to solve this.
>         Another reason is that the zip-file does not contain the
>         complete learning content since no
>         licensing information is provided.
> --> ATL provides licencing information in Unit 1. We had a Peer Review
> process and then updated again our Unit.

There seems to be some misunderstanding. The zip-file we refer to
contains the Moodle dump file "foss4smes_course_en.mbz". Further, we
just checked the file for Unit 1 in the Keybase folder
"K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training course
contents\Final Units ENG\Final PDF files 27.06.19" and cannot find any
licensing information. Hence, we find that the learning content for unit
1 lacks licensing information which is a prerequisite for use in company

--> Can you please create the PDF files in a way that the hyperlinks included in the word version don’t get lost? I personally don’t know how to do it. If you have another solution, please make a suggestion.

>         Yet another reason is that instructions for installation should
>         be included in the zip-file and allow for an easy installation
>         by a non-expert user (e.g. by typing "install" at a command line
>         after having unpacked the zip-file). Linking
>         to an external website
>         (
>         does not fulfil requirements for usage scenario 2 according to
>         the "O2/A4 assessment methodology and tools" (version 3.0)
>         document.
> --> I will ask our IT to solve this.
>         Further, the external website
>         ( does not contain
>         any information concerning how to install "the entire training
>         system" (it
>         merely explains how to restore a course in an existing moodle
>         instance).
> --> I will ask our IT to solve this.
>         In addition, the link referred to at the web page
>         ( for usage scenario 3
>         ( does
>         certainly not comply with what has been discussed at the Dublin
>         meeting
>         and agreed in the document "O2/A4 assessment methodology and tools"
>         (version 3.0). There are a number of reasons for this. First, the
>         shortcut for the video for unit 4 ("4.0 VIDEO Introduction to
>         Unit 4")
>         links to a video which contains copyrighted material (e.g. the
>         logotype
>         for Open Source Initiative) for which we have not obtained all
>         necessary
>         rights. It is _very_ important the video is not provided on any
>         website
>         (including Youtube). We request that the video is deleted
>         immediately.
> --> deleted.
>         Second, the learning content is provided in several PDF-files
>         for each
>         unit instead of one file for each unit (there are separate
>         PDF-files for
>         subsections and assessments).
> --> According to our training the learner should be able to choose what
> he/she needs to learn. This is why we provide all units separately. I
> will ask for our IT to create also one that contains all units together,
> in case someone wants to have everything downloaded.

Providing separate PDF files for different sections does not fulfill
requirements in the document "O2/A4 assessment methodology and tools"
(version 3.0). Providing one PDF file for each unit is what is expected
for usage scenario 3.

--> I see. I will ask our IT to solve this. Sorry, but the different usage scenarios are confusing even for me….

>         Third, no PDF/A-1 files are provided (all
>         PDF-files are provided in proprietary file formats).
> --> I will ask our IT to solve this.
>         Fourth, the
>         learning content is provided under proprietary terms (traditional
>         copyright) since the PDF-files lack licensing information for
>         the text.
>         For example, for the PDF/A-1 containing unit 4 we expect to see the
>         following at the top of the file:
>         "Version 1.0, 27 February 2019 Authors: Björn Lundell and Jonas
>         Gamalielsson, CC BY-SA 4.0
>         (".
> --> We expect that all partners provided . If not, please discuss this
> with them/us all in our telco on Thursday, to find a solution.

Currently there is only licensing information for unit 4 in the Keybase
folder "K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training
course contents\Final Units ENG\Final PDF files 27.06.19". As you have
seen from some of the feedback we have obtained from SME representatives
(see our email sent 5 August 2019 at 15:15) clear licensing information
is a prerequisite for use of the learning content.

  --> We had two Peer Review rounds within O2/A1 and I thought we were done with such issues. Anyway, since you see this is an important issue, please inform the team with an extra e-mail including concrete guidelines, on how they should correct their files. Please coordinate this task (should be finished asap) and when all correct files are in Keybase, let me know, so that our IT uploads them. Thank you. 

>         Further, we expect
>         to see "Authors: Björn Lundell and Jonas Gamalielsson, CC BY-SA 4.0
>         (" at the bottom
>         of each
>         page in the same PDF/A-1 file for unit 4. Please see the attached
>         PDF/A-1 file for unit 4 that has been prepared for usage scenario 3
>         (which is also available on Keybase).
> --> We had a Peer Review and I thought that the files were ok. In order
> to solve this, I suggest that you/each partner sends us the corrected
> file. Maybe it makes sense, that you explain this with us all in our
> telco on Thursday.

Again, we conclude that there currently is licensing information only
for unit 4 in the Keybase folder "K:\team\foss4smes\2.
Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training course contents\Final Units
ENG\Final PDF files 27.06.19". As you have seen from some of the
feedback we have obtained from SME representatives (see our email sent 5
August 2019 at 15:15) clear licensing information is a prerequisite for
use of the learning content.

--> Please inform the team with an extra e-mail including concrete guidelines, on how they should correct their files. Please coordinate this task (should be finished asap) and when all correct files are in Keybase, let me know, so that our IT uploads them. Thank you.


>         Fifth, for unit 4 we note that the
>         "aggregated content" of the provided PDF-files at the website
>         ( deviates from the content
>         provided in the attached PDF/A-1 file for unit 4 that has been
>         prepared
>         for usage scenario 3. See for example page one in the attached file
>         which contains 4 bullets. In the file "4.0 Introduction.pdf" in
>         the zip
>         file provided on the website
>         (
>         there are
>         erroneously six bullets on page one.
> --> In order to solve this, I suggest that you send us the corrected
> file. ATL used the files provided in Keybase. I think all partners
> should upload their files directly there to avoid confusion.

The files provided at the website (
are not the same files that partners have uploaded on Keybase.

The file provided by us in Keybase folder ""K:\team\foss4smes\2.
Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training course contents\Final Units
ENG\Final PDF files 27.06.19" has the correct bullets. The error has
been introduced by ATL during the process of creating the Moodle version
of the unit.

--> Please help us fix the problem. Can you create the correct Moodle version files for us? I cannot make it on my own…

>         Sixth, the page size for the PDF files is letter (needs to be A4).
> --> In order to solve this, I suggest that you send us the corrected
> file/files.

The file provided by us in Keybase folder ""K:\team\foss4smes\2.
Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training course contents\Final Units
ENG\Final PDF files 27.06.19" and attached to the email sent on 2 August
at 12:44 is in A4 format.

  --> Please help us fix this problem as well. Can you create the correct A4 version files for us? I cannot make it on my own…

>         Hence, it follows that we are unable progress with O2/A4 for any
>         of the
>         three usage scenarios. We can still distribute unit 4 under usage
>         scenario 3 (i.e. the attached file). However, we earlier agreed
>         (see our
>         email on 28 June) that "we will not proceed with usage scenario
>         3 using
>         only unit 4 at this point". Therefore, we now seek your advice
>         for how
>         to proceed with O2/A4.
>         We understand that, due to vacation period in Greece, it may be
>         very
>         difficult for ATL to provide a link for usage scenario 2 that
>         fulfils
>         all prerequisites detailed in the document "O2/A4 assessment
>         methodology
>         and tools" (version 3.0) that can be used by SMEs.
> --> ATL was not able to fulfil the requirements, because we are a team
> and each partner has a part in the training content/files. We had a Peer
> Review proces and thought that this was checked at this point of time.

Since the Dublin meeting we have several times stressed the importance
of providing files for usage scenario 2 and for usage scenario 3. We
have several times reported that only unit 4 has been provided for usage
scenario 3 and that no content has been provided for usage scenario 2.

--> I am sorry that the team has not heard you or reacted as you wished. I suggest that we use the chance of tomorrows telco to discuss this all together and see the views of the other team members. Maybe we can find out why this happened and how we should proceed.

>         For this reason, our
>         suggestion for how we now can proceed is the following. First,
>         during
>         August we will proceed with O2/A4 using the attached file for
>         unit 4.
>         This will, at least, allow us to distribute the file and obtain
>         some
>         feedback. Second, once PDF/A-1 files (one PDF/A-1 file for each
>         unit)
>         that comply with prerequisites in section 6 of "O2/A4 assessment
>         methodology and tools" (version 3.0) are provided, we will also
>         include
>         those files when progressing our work with O2/A4.
> --> fine.

Ok, then we will proceed with O2/A4 using unit 4 for usage scenario 3.

Björn and Jonas

>         Best
>         Björn and Jonas
>         On 2019-07-29 12:07, Katerina Tsinari wrote:
>          > Dear all,
>          >
>          > this is an update of our status today and our pending tasks.
>          >
>          > *_Peer Review FSFE: _*relevant templates will be saved in
>         Keybase for
>          > both reviewed documents (Training Plan and Platform Design
>         Plan) asap.
>          >
>          > *_O3/A2 - 01.05.-30.07.19 - Report and consultation: _*Peer
>         Review from
>          > ATL done. Dlearn pending until 31.07.19.
>          >
>          > *_O2/A2 Translation of Training Course contents: _*all
>         relevant partners
>          > by 30.07
>          >
>          > *_O2/A2 Mother tongue videos_*: Greek ok. rest of videos by
>         31.07. by
>          > Peter/ TUD.
>          >
>          > *_3^rd Newsletter: _*sent on 26.07.2019.
>          >
>          > *_Usage scenarios 2 and 3 are ready_*: check our page
>          > to find information.
>          >
>          > *_Project Website update_*: Please go into file “Translations
>         Brochure
>          > Website Newsletter” in Keybase and translate the new page
>         marked in
>          > yellow by 14.08.19.
>          >
>          > *_Feasibility study_**_by OFE_*: Review was sent from
>         Katerina. Updated
>          > version is expected by 14.08.19
>          >
>          > *_O2/A1 Training Plan_*: Peer Review completed by*__*OFE and
>         FSFE. TUD
>          > to update file by 15.08.
>          >
>          > *_O2/A2 Import of translations_*: all partners by 16.08.
>         (Guidelines
>          > provided last time).
>          >
>          > *_Multiplier events_*: Dlearn (and others if applicable)
>         please send us
>          > the required supporting documents asap.
>          >
>          > *_O3 consultation exercise_*: to be prepared by OFE and
>         Dlearn in
>          > 6-9.09. and saved in K:\team\foss4smes\2.
>         Implementation\Multiplier
>          > Events\Multiplier Event 4 – Brussels.
>          >
>          > *_Timesheets 07-09.19_*: All by 20.9.
>          >
>          > *_O1/A2 executive summary translation: _*File “FOSS4SMEs_ IO1.A2
>          > Executive Summary”, Translations to be provided by Dlearn,
>         FSFE, and
>          > SKUNI in K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output
>         1\A2\O1.A2.
>          > Summary translationsby 01.09.19.
>          >
>          > *_O3/A1 executive summary translation: _*Dlearn, FSFE, ATL
>         and SKUNI by
>          > *01.09.19.*in folder K:\team\foss4smes\2.
>         Implementation\Outputs\Output
>          > 3\A1\Translated executive summaries
>          >
>          > *_O2/A4_*: all partners as soon as possible in their country.
>         Multiplier
>          > events. Results of our O2/A4 should be ready before our
>         meeting in Brussels.
>          >
>          > *_4^th transnational meeting_*: partnerscan enter travel
>         details here:
>          > team/foss4smes/5. Meetings/4. Brussels*__*
>          >
>          > *_TU Dublin Invoice_*: TUD to reply ASAP. payment still pending.
>          >
>          > *_Certificates of participation – Dublin Meet.:_*__Pending
>         from TUD. ASAP.
>          >
>          > *_Stakeholders Matrix_*: SKUNI[KT1] <#_msocom_1>, TUD[KT2]
>          > <#_msocom_2>should insert 25 entries in the table. ASAP.
>          >
>          >
>         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>          >
>          > [KT1] <#_msoanchor_1>to
>          > be able to provide contacts for the stakeholders matrix) we
>         stress the
>          > importance of providing content for use under usage scenario 3
>          >
>          > [KT2] <#_msoanchor_2>We were working on this in conjunction
>         with our
>          > multiplier event so I will get a list from our internal admin
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          > Thank you all for our cooperation. I will be away until
>         20.08.19, but
>          > please feel free to contact me on urgent matters.
>          >
>          > Best,
>          > Katerina
>          > --
>          >
>          > atlantis-logo-for-signatures
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          > *Katerina Tsinari*
>          >
>          > *EU Projects consultant*
>          >
>          > *Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki*
>          >
>          > *T:*
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          > *2310 233 266*
>          >
>          > *Email:*
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          > * <>
>         < <>>*
>          >
>          > *URL:*
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          > * <> <>*
>          >
>          > *Skype:*
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          > *
>         <>
>         <
>         <>>*
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          >
>         <><><><>
>          >
>          >
>          > _______________________________________________
>          > Foss4smes-team mailing list
>          >
>         <>
>          >
>          >
>          > This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All
>          > participants are kindly asked to be excellent to each other:
>          >
>          >
>         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     --
>     atlantis-logo-for-signatures
>     *Katerina Tsinari*
>     *EU Projects consultant*
>     *Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki*
>     *T:*
>     *2310 233 266*
>     *Email:*
>     * <>*
>     *URL:*
>     * <>*
>     *Skype:*
>     * <>*
>     <><><><>
>     _______________________________________________
>     Foss4smes-team mailing list
> <>
>     This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All
>     participants are kindly asked to be excellent to each other:
> --
> atlantis-logo-for-signatures
> *Katerina Tsinari*
> *EU Projects consultant*
> *Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki*
> *T:*
> *2310 233 266*
> *Email:*
> * <>*
> *URL:*
> * <>*
> *Skype:*
> * <>*
> <><><><>




Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


