Dear Max,

thank you very much for your valuable review and detailed feedback. It helped me a lot to finalise the document.
Concerning chapter “U1.L2. Part 2 - The different types of ‘freedom’” --> I deleted this part.
Concerning chapter “U1.L2. Part 4 – Are there any disadvantages? “ --> I kept it and revised it accordingly.
Concerning chapter “U1.L3. Part 3 – Choosing the necessary licence for a business” --> I deleted this part.
Concerning chapter “U1.L3 Part 4 – Responsibilities of FOSS users” --> Change done.
Concerning chapter “U1.L4 Part 3 - How members of FOSS communities communicate and collaborate” --> Ok , I kept it then.

My Unit is now ready and I will send it to our IT department in order to be uploaded in the platform.


Στις Δευ, 25 Φεβ 2019 στις 2:47 μ.μ., ο/η Max Mehl <> έγραψε:
Dear Katerina,

Following the peer review of your unit (please find it in Keybase "2.
Implementation/Outputs/Output 2/A1 Training course contents/Peer Review
- 2nd round/by FSFE/"), here's a reply on the questions you've sent

~ Katerina Tsinari [2019-01-30 15:12 +0100]:
> *Concerning chapter “U1.L2. Part 2 - The different types of ‘freedom’”* -->
> I am not competent enough to draft this chapter, so I suggest that we
> either leave it out or that a FOSS expert from our team takes it over.

>From the document I wasn't able to understand what exactly you tried to
explain with this part. Since you already wrote about the four freedoms,
I don't know what else you would like to mention here.

> *Concerning chapter “U1.L2. Part 4 – Are there any disadvantages? “* --> I
> wonder if we want to keep this chapter within our course. TUDublin
> commented, that it should be presented for completeness. FSFE provided
> further constructive comments and SKUNI commented that it needs to be
> revised, as several statements are misleading and all mentioned issues
> apply to software provided under any terms (including FOSS and proprietary
> terms). I decided to keep it for now and revised it, but I suggest that a
> FOSS expert from our team takes it over.

I also think that we should keep it. I added a few minor comments to
your revised part and I don't see any wrong statements. It is true that
most disadvantages apply to both proprietary and Free Software, and the
part explains why and how. So it's more another section about myths, but
from a different angle.

> *Concerning chapter “U1.L3. Part 3 – Choosing the necessary licence for a
> business”* --> I wonder if we want to keep this chapter here, as this is
> probably part of a later unit. Peer Reviewers should check this. If I do
> need to draft it, I will need suggestions on sources, as I couldn’t find
> myself any.

As commented in the file, I'd erase it and not even cover it in later
units unless someone would really like to do that.

> *Concerning chapter “U1.L3 Part 4 – Responsibilities of FOSS users”* -->
> TUDublin suggested a different and maybe more interesting structure for
> this part of our lesson. Unfortunately, I lack the required sources and
> expertise in order to prepare it as suggested. If the Peer Reviewers think
> that it is necessary to re-draft it, then please provide the necessary
> sources.

I think it's fine as it is not really long. The title is a bit
misleading, but might therefore also catch the learner's attention. In
the comments I suggested to change the introductory paragraph in order
to make it more clear.

> *Concerning chapter “U1.L4 Part 3 - How members of FOSS communities
> communicate and collaborate**”* --> FSFE commented that this is basically
> the same as in Unit 5 and that we should merge them somehow or at least
> refer to each other. My opinion is, that since Unit 5 was not delivered
> during the first checks and that since TUD and SKUNI were unable to review
> it in relation to U1 (to see whether there is a repetition), I suggest that
> FSFE and OFE decide on whether we keep it or not during their next Peer
> Review session (as they will have a holistic view of our course) and that
> they inform the team on their decision along with some argumentation.

I gave it some thought and don't think we have to erase it. Yes, it
overlaps with Unit 5, but unit 1 is more basic and learners might
already have forgotten a few pieces. However, we can flag this for the
public review and find out how real-life learners and external
participants think about it.


Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
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Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


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