Dear FOSS4SMEs team,

while I was looking in Twitter for interesting events for our project, I found this one:

"The pan-European ALL DIGITAL Week is following in the footsteps of Get Online Week organised in 2010-2017. It is an annual digital empowerment campaign run at digital competence centres, libraries, schools, community centres and non-for-profits across Europe, bringing 100,000 Europeans every year in exciting online and offline events tackling digital transformation and its effects." (copied from website)

It looks like a big initiative with big supporters.

Who is willing and is able to check this out and perhaps take it over?

I imagine that DIT, SKUNI and DLEARN would be more interested in this. Of course, involvement from FSFE and OFE would be more than welcome.

In any case it would be good, if we all consider events to present the FOSS4SMEs project until May, so we can plan ahead and help each other.

I am looking forward to your thoughts.
We could also talk about it in more details in our next telco.

Katerina and Ifigeneia