Dear Sivan,

this sentence is taken from the proposal and then adjusted by me (as I would fulfill it if I were you). You may have other ideas and solutions in order to complete activity O3/A2. Please read the proposal carefully and prepare your questions for our telco.
Thank you in advance.


Στις Τετ, 5 Ιουν 2019 στις 12:27 μ.μ., ο/η Sivan Pätsch <> έγραψε:
Dear Katerina,

On your sentence: "OFE can organise a multiplier event for the UK stakeholders (like asked from our NA) in order to get the required feedback within O3/A2."

Could you clarify if we "can" organise an event or if our application requires us to organise such an event? Of course we are already reaching out to different stakeholders, including UK stakeholders, for feedback, but not necessarily in a face-to-face manner that satisfies unknown requirements for this.

Referring back to the updated internal timeplan you sent yesterday, I am also confused about the multiplier events. We have on the one hand Multiplier Event 4 in Brussels in 09.19. But there is also Multiplier Event 4 in Germany in 04.19. In addition, there is Multiplier Event 6 in the UK.

If we are required to organise two multiplier events, what requirements are set for the UK one?

Thanks for your reply.


On Wed, 2019-06-05 at 12:09 +0300, Katerina Tsinari wrote:
Dear Sivan,

within O3/A2 OFE is going to:

a. draft the policy recommendation report --> including an analysis of the VET and economic case for sustaining and widening the use of the project results. The report will demonstrate how the strategic use of FOSS within VET has the potential to improve the competitiveness of SMEs, based also on existing case studies, statistics and projections. It will set out a series of recommendations for policy makers responsible for education and business, focusing on the specific implications for SMEs.

b. lead this activity --> All partners will contribute according to their expertise and the contribution required by OFE in terms of research and inputs.

c. distribute the draft report to a series of national and EU stakeholders for feedback prior to preparing the final report. The report will be presented in multiplier events to collect feedback from stakeholders.

The structure of this new document should include titles that match with the proposal (like bold text above). OFE can organise a multiplier event for the UK stakeholders (like asked from our NA) in order to get the required feedback within O3/A2. The Peer Review (ATL, Dlearn) for this activity is planned for 17-31.07.19. If you have any questions or you need the teams input, we can discuss this on 18.06. in our next telco.

I am looking forward to this part and the feedback OFE will receive for our work so far.


Sivan Pätsch
Digital Policy Adviser
OpenForum Europe
tel +32 (0) 2 486 4151
mob +32 (0) 484 90 71 23
Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope
OFE Limited, a private company with liability limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales with number 05493935
Registered office: Claremont House, 1 Blunt Road, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 7PA, UK




Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


