Dear all,

In view of our telco next week, I would like to update you on our status today.

Timesheets , Travel Documents and Certificates of participation – Dublin Meet.: Pending from TUD.

Participants list of Dublin Meet. per Post: Pending from OFE.

Dublin Meeting Minutes: The file is in Keybase now K:\team\foss4smes\5. Meetings\3. Dublin Meeting\Agenda and minutes. Please send us your feedback by this Friday.

O2/A1 Updates of Units after 2nd Peer Review from OFE and FSFE: Feedback from Peer Reviewers was received on the 25th of February. Sivan and Max thank you for your valuable contributions!

This is now the status of our files:

O2/A1 Partners

1st submission

Update after Review from SKUNI

Update after proofreading from DIT

Updates after 1st Peer Review of OFE and FSFE

Updates after 2nd peer review (ASAP)

ATL - Unit 1






OFE - Unit 2.1
and 2.2.






Dlearn - Unti 2.3
and 2.4.


14.12.18 (12:04h)

14.12.18 (19:14)



Dit - Unit 3






Skovde - Unit 4






FSFE - Unit 5







The Units should be finalised ASAP or by this Friday the latest. ATL will start importing all Units as soon as they are ready in order to enable the Assessment to begin timely.

O2/A1 Training Plan: The self-diagnostic tools (pre-course survey and after-course/skills gap analysis) need to be imported in Moodle as well to be presented to the training participants who will participate in activities of O2/A4.

Dear Brian, lets stay in contact to see how we can implement this within the new timeframe.

2nd Newsletter:  This is now very urgent, because our last Newsletter is now 8 months old. We were supposed to send it in 12.19. Please try to prepare your text and upload it in the file located --> K:\team\foss4smes\1. Management\Newsletters

Test Plan:  Dear Brian, I will prepare a file and contact you in order to finalise it. Thank you for your examples.

New timeline with updates on translation (requested by OFE): A file is now in Keybase located --> K:\team\foss4smes\1. Management\A2 MCE PLAN

The official MCE Plan will not change as it was submitted in the NA during Interim Report and the changes we do are due to delays, which we don’t want to show.

O2/A4 Assessment: Dear colleagues from SKUNI, thank you for your e-mails on the assessment procedure. I will provide you with my feedback on the files you prepared by Wednesday. Due to our review delay, I understand your points and we will try to finalise the tools ASAP.

A8 - Publication of Articles: ATL is currently drafting a Poster text for OpenSym 19. Dear colleagues from SKUNI, I will contact you to check if this is something we could submit for your conference.

Dissemination Progress Report (M18): FSFE/Galia will contact us soon with information on what we need to prepare and by when.

Have a nice start in this week!
Talk to you soon!





Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


