Dear all,

in the Keybase folder you will find an updated version of the MCE Plan. We have changed the date of the final Multiplier event in Brussels from August to September after checking with the NA.  Thank you OFE for spotting this in the  document.


2018-04-15 14:16 GMT+03:00 Katerina Tsinari <>:
Dear all,

attached I am sending you the updated version of the MCE Plan.
Thank you very much for your valuable feedback.

As still some questions remain unanswered, I am asking you once again to have a final look in the other attached document (named open issues).
There you will find in yellow your provided answers so far and in red my new comments.

Please give me your answers the latest by the 19th of April! We need to close this as soon as possible!

Thank you for your understanding.


On 13 April 2018 at 17:31, <> wrote:
All my answers are yes!
Keep in touch

Sent from my ASUS

On 13 April 2018 at 18:49, Jonas Gamalielsson <> wrote:
Dear all,

On 2018-03-26 17:57, Katerina Tsinari wrote:
Dear all,


*5. P.13: Peer reviewers*
Dear all, please check the proposed reviewers for each Output. This is very important. Please inform me if you have any objections or need any changes.

Thanks for the suggestion. We agree with the suggested content in the "Project Management, Coordination and Evaluation Plan" concerning "peer reviewers" (table 6).

Kind regards
Jonas & Björn

Foss4smes-team mailing list

This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All
participants are kindly asked to be excellent to each other:

On 27 March 2018 at 11:29, Max Mehl <> wrote:
Dear all,

# Katerina Tsinari [2018-03-26 17:57 +0200]:
> *1. P.7: The policy recommendation report is addressed to decision-makers
> and VET providers.*
> Our partner OFE needs your opinion on this. Since it is difficult to
> address two different audiences in a single report, OFE welcomes a
> discussion about the policy recommendation report. OFE’s preference is for
> a report that targets policymakers but outlines desired actions that could
> be taken by different actors, including VET providers. Please give us your
> opinion on this according your experiences, as we need to decide how to
> proceed.

I think this depends on the VET providers. Could these also be
interested in reading a document targeted at political decision makers?
Which form of recommendation paper would they prefer? The FSFE doesn't
have experiences with this target group so right now I'd go the same way
OFE proposed.

> *2. P.10-11: The Coordination Team guarantees the correct realization of
> the coordinator tasks.*
> 2.1. Do we need someone from FSFE as well?
> 2.2. Who can create a mailing list for the team?

I can create a mailing list any time. I just need a person to add as
administrator/moderator of this list then who takes care of adding
new people to the list and taking care of requests.


Max Mehl - Program Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
Contact and further information:
Support advocacy for Free Software:

On 26 March 2018 at 18:57, Katerina Tsinari <> wrote:
Dear all,

since 07.03.18 we have an updated version of our MCE Plan (v.3).

Unfortunately we couldn't organise a telco to discuss some last remaining points that resulted from your valuable feedback.
As a result, I would like to have your written input on the following open points, in order to be able to finalise the document.
Please send me your answers until the 13th of April.

1. P.7: The policy recommendation report is addressed to decision-makers and VET providers.
Our partner OFE needs your opinion on this. Since it is difficult to address two different audiences in a single report, OFE welcomes a discussion about the policy recommendation report. OFE’s preference is for a report that targets policymakers but outlines desired actions that could be taken by different actors, including VET providers. Please give us your opinion on this according your experiences, as we need to decide how to proceed.

2. P.10-11: The Coordination Team guarantees the correct realization of the coordinator tasks.
2.1. Do we need someone from FSFE as well?
2.2. Who can create a mailing list for the team?

3. P.11: The Activity Leader
"The plan of the Activity Leader can be a small page."
Dear colleagues form OFE, we need your OK for Output 3. Please give us your confirmation.

4. P.12. Each action has a detailed planning of activities, with indicators and instruments for the on-going and “ex post evaluation”.
Can the colleagues involved in the writing of the proposal explain to the team, what do we mean here by “ex post evaluation”?

5. P.13: Peer reviewers
Dear all, please check the proposed reviewers for each Output. This is very important. Please inform me if you have any objections or need any changes.

6. P.15: List of deliverables
6.1. Info: The list will stay here as preferred by most (5 to 1 partners).
6.2. Dear Elisa, are the peer reviewers placed in the right positions in the table?
6.3. OFE should inform us, when is the deadline for the “Feasibility Study” of OFE.

7. P.25: Final Report
Dear Elisa, are there a final quality report and a separate final project report as deliverables?

Thank you very much in advance for your answers.

I will upload in Keybase the final version as soon as I have your last thoughts.


On 22 February 2018 at 16:35, Katerina Tsinari <> wrote:
Dear all,

I have now received feedback on the MCE Plan from Dlearn, FSFE and SKUNI. Thank you for placing your files in Keybase.

Dear Brian, can you please upload you file once again? I cant open the Word file, as it seems to be damaged.

Dear Sachiko, can you please send me your feedback by next Monday? That would allow us then to discuss everyones feedback in our next telco.


On 11 January 2018 at 13:53, Katerina Tsinari <> wrote:
Dear partners,

this is to inform you that I have just uploaded in our common Keybase repository the document:

- draft version of the Management, Coordination and Evaluation Plan.
File name: MCE Plan_20180111_v.01.
Where? In the Management folder.

Plase take a quick look at the text before our next telco, where we will decide how to proceed with this as well as the documents drafted by Dlearn.








Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266









Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266



