Hi Katerina,

thank you for your email.

The tasks you are mentioning are part of the “Impact” section of the proposal, and I’d say we shall start dealing with them in parallel with the pilot test (IO2/A4 Assessment).

Since we are asked to describe the “before and after” situation of all the target groups, we can put together two different surveys allowing for the self-assessment of participants.

In addition, there will be a model for the collection of case studies among SMEs.

We can provide a draft for this documents and then agree on them.


However, yes let’s discuss this after the 21 March, when the course and the platform should be completed.




Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623

Email francesco.agresta@dlearn.eu






Da: Katerina Tsinari <tsinari@abe.gr>
Inviato: giovedì 21 febbraio 2019 17:17
A: Francesco Agresta <francesco.agresta@dlearn.eu>; elisa.chiesa@dlearn.eu
Cc: FOSS4SMEs mailing list <foss4smes-team@lists.fsfe.org>; Cosmas Vamvalis <vamvalis@abe.gr>
Oggetto: FOSS4SMEs: Quality and Evaluation Plan --> evidence impact throughout the project


Dear Elisa and Francesco,


I would like to ask you (as the Quality Managers of our project), if we have fulfilled the tasks described in pages 62-63 of the proposal. I was going through the document and to my understanding there might be an extra document, called the "Quality and Evaluation Plan", that sets out concrete plans for using both qualitative and quantitative methods to monitor and evidence impact throughout the project.


For example, it mentions that we will measure the impact to the "VET centers" through a participant-survey of VET trainers (before and after) including a reflection statement including evidence of increased personal effectiveness and through written evidence of concrete plans and/or actual examples of VET trainers and ICT experts using the course with other SMEs. Such measures are described for all relevant target groups. Do you think we have covered some of these points already? Are there any points that are missing from our future plans? I guess that this is something simple for you, but it looks a bit complex to me at the moment.


I am looking forward to hear from you on how we can deal with these tasks in order to include them in our timeplan inside the Management Plan document. If you prefer, we could have a quick Skype.

I know that this is a busy period for you due to proposal writing (same here), so if this is a big issue, we can discuss it after the 21. of March.


Thank you for getting back to me on this.








Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266





