Dear Francesco,

I see the problem now too. There are Greek people who filled out the survey in EN and DE as well.
So it seems that its very difficult to differentiate by country now, as originally planned in the Methodological Framework "This will allow P2 to download the document with results per each country" p.8.

Do you think this is a problem for our field research?
Do we need to deal with this? Should the results definately be per country?

Originally in the Methodological Framework, we planned the following: "Once the survey is closed, P2 will analyse the results and produce a report which will describe the main characteristics and constraints of the research, as well as final conclusions that will be the basis for the development of the ECVET profile and the Learning Outcomes.", p.8.
This would be ok with our current online survey and we can live it as it is.

Dear Francesco, how do you want us to proceed?

Let me know if we need to have a discussion on that.


On 2 March 2018 at 10:47, Max Mehl <> wrote:
Dear Francesco,

# [2018-02-28 15:25 +0100]:
> We have realized that, since partners from UK, Ireland and Sweden are all
> using the English version of the questionnaire, it will be hard to tell
> apart the responses for each country once the survey will be closed off.
> There is no question on the country of the respondents, so we can't filter
> responses by this parameter.

I'm not very familiar with Limesurvey, sorry. But I see no option to
separate the different countries from each other in hindsight. Also the
languages itself are no definite separator: I know many people who, like
me, have set EN their default language in the browser.

The EN link is also the one we spread with some stakeholders of FSFE
because some of them are working in Germany but speak only English.

So well, I have no solution, sorry. I also forgot this issue when
translating the survey, a country-selector would have been a must...


Max Mehl - Program Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
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