Dear partners,

I hope you are all doing well.

I am reaching out to you to address the following points:


1)      While revising the different Country Reports for drafting the Synthesis report, I have noticed that there is a lack of consistency between them. In particular:

-          FSFE and SKUNI: your reports have no visual representations (graphs, charts, etc.) of the results of the Field Research. It would be nice if you may add them where appropriate, to align with the other countries and make the reports look “nicer”.

-          OFE and DIT: we are all aware of the issues you have faced regarding the allocation of responses within the English questionnaire. However, since we promised 6 different country reports in the proposal, I am afraid that we won’t get away with the same text for what should be two different Field Research. Therefore, I shall ask you to try and make some adjustments to just don’t make them look alike.


Please everyone bear in mind that the 6 Country Reports are the deliverables foreseen for O1/A1, and as such they will be submitted to the NA (and, of course, evaluated) by ATL for our Interim Report at Month12. Therefore, we have to present them our work in the best shape :)    
Once you are done with these adjustments (which I believe will take you a very short time, you don’t have to re-write things), we will proceed with the Peer Review for OI/A1.

Please try to make it by the end of this week.



2)      As per IO1/A2, I am attaching here the Guidelines drafted by DLEARN about the ECVET framework and its application to our project. Please read it carefully as it includes the template we are going to use to develop our curriculum, plus some guidance on how to draft it. Please make reference to page 46-47 of the attached PDF (provided by Katerina) for some valuable tips and advice.


3)      At the link below, you will find the collaborative online sheet which I have prepared for us to work on the curriculum:



We will agree on the assignment of each Unit per partner during the call scheduled for this Friday.

Don’t get scared by the number of credits/hours allocated: the curriculum will be a reference for a full-year course, but the contents developed by us will still be for 1 credit (=25 hours) in total. We will discuss this more in details on Friday.


Thank you!


Best regards,



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Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623
