Hi All,

Please find attached the latest revision of the agenda for this week's meetings. I have also attached guidelines for preparation of material for video scripts. It appears we have some flexibility with the meetings in that we can use the afternoon of the second day for recording if need be. Paul Doyle will be joining us briefly on the first day to give an overview of an Erasmius+ project he is working on which we may be able to leverage for mutual benefit.

Lunch is booked for Wednesday and I am just waiting for confirmation from the restaurant for the evening.



On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 at 15:28, Katerina Tsinari <tsinari@abe.gr> wrote:

Dear all,


I hope you had relaxing and joyful holidays and could manage to take some time off your desks and working-obligations. I am wishing you in the name of Atlantis Engineering and my colleagues here, all a happy new year and a great start in 2019! I am starting 2019 with our main points.


2nd Payment

@all, please send us an invoice (or financing request for those who can’t issue an invoice), so that we can settle the second payment of 30% asap.


Dublin Meeting

  • DIT is now called officially “Technological University Dublin” – Does anything change for us in the project? If yes, DIT will tell us in Dublin :)
  • 17.01. of Dublin Meeting: @Brian: Since all partners are flying back in the next day, please consider the option of using our 2nd half of our 2nd day for re-takes of videos, enhancing contingency (14.00 – 17.00).
  • @DIT please prepare all supporting documents for this meeting including our Certificates of Attendance, the participants list, the evaluation form, etc.
  • @DIT: Please send us by Friday the final Agenda, maps for locations, emergency phone numbers, restaurant info etc.
  • Presentations to be held in Dublin: @presenters: Please send your files to me by 11.01. (SKUNI on O2/A4, DIT on O2/A1 status, FSFE on Dissemination and OFE on O3)
  • Guidelines on script-development for the video recordings: @DIT: are we going to receive sth from you? If not, we assume you tell us all about it in Dublin and we all hope that we will have enough time to prepare ourselves and not be too stressed :)



  • 2nd Newsletter: @all: Please insert your text here asap, as we should have published this in December https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U_pQ6H5vCYsAF7Ge4WWo9zB1m_XDld2vgsy9p4d81lI/edit
  • Update of Diss. Plan concerning multiplier events with budget cuts: @FSFE: This is still open, so please update accordingly.
  • Stakeholders Matrix: @FSFE: you wanted to send us tips - what happened?
  • Exploitation Plan (A13): @FSFE: you wanted to send me an update - what happened?
  • A8 - Publication of articles: None of us has published sth relevant. @FSFE: Can you coordinate this task? @all: Please prepare an article or a white paper on our research results and project developments so far. I need one from each of you. In case 2 partners want to work together, it is possible, but only for just one couple. We need a minimum of 4 articles, even if they are 1-pagers and a re-writing of our deliverables. They are targeting a different audience, so be creative!
  • Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn project page: Our status today is --> Facebook: 61 likes, Twitter: 66 followers, Linked In: 11 followers. @all: Please disseminate the pages and give us at least 20 likes from your country. @FSFE: Can you coordinate us on the preparation of posts? I need your support to keep track of this and draft nice texts. Cant make it alone - Thanks.
  • “Dissemination to-dos” for each partner as a 1-pager: @FSFE: you wanted to prepare this for us. Please present it in the Dublin meeting.
  • @Galia: ATL is waiting since November for the translation of the German Newsletter. Please upload it here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-mDxEqX0gWLshzZjpkZaF-1krBx7T3D-Utc31oQhZlo/edit#gid=1684811769  . and tell us when its ready


Output 2

  • Units: our stauts is in Keybase --> FSFE – no deliverable, Dlearn – finalised, OFE – file not working, DIT – file not working, ATL – update after DIT review required, SKUNI- finalised. Final is a Unit that includes pictures, assessment exercises and summaries.
  • @ FSFE and OFE: Peer Review will happen after solution with FSFEs delay is found. I still have no news from Max.
  • Translations: By the beginning of January all training content should be ready in 5 languages. As soon as our final versions are available, we are able to start with this next task. Remember to find translators and check your budget ahead.
  • O2_Training Plan for the course: @Brian: please remember this task :)

Thank you all in advance.

I am excited to see you next week in Dublin and enjoy 2 fruitful working days with everyone!







Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266







Foss4smes-team mailing list

This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All
participants are kindly asked to be excellent to each other:

Brian Keegan, Ph.D, M.Phil, Pg.Dip (Ed), B.Eng
Senior Lecturer
Programme Chairperson (DT211C, Computer Science - Infrastructure)
School of Computer Science - TU Dublin Kevin Street Campus

NetAcad self-study: ditcs-netacad

Academy Support Advisor
Academy Support Center Staff

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