Dear partners,

regarding the first part of our research, focussing on FOSS training tools and materials across Europe, we would need to coordinate our work so to avoid overlapping results between our different reports.

I was thinking of a shared collaborative sheet similar to the Google Sheet, which updates in real time while someone is working on it.

Do you have some ready-to-use FOSS solution in mind that would make to our case?


Thank you for your help!


Warm regards,




Da: [] Per conto di
Inviato: mercoledì 31 gennaio 2018 12:32
Oggetto: [FOSS4SMEs-team] FOSS4SMEs Desk Research - Template and deadline


Dear partners,

at this stage of our project we should all start to work on the O1/A1 Desk Research Report, which every partner has to develop by the 28th of February 2018.


In this regard, I would like to provide all of you with a proposed template (thank you Katerina for your help), that comes attached with this email.

The template will help us to draft country reports looking similar in aspect and type of contents, making all our works coherent and aligned to a common reference.


I would like to recall you that, according to our proposal, the section “COLLECTION OF EXISTING COURSES, TRAINING MATERIALS AND CONTENTS RELEVANT TO FOSS - Business User” refers to FOSS training tools and materials across all Europe, while in the section “EXISTING CURRICULA AT NATIONAL LEVEL” you shall only make reference to qualifications in your country  that may be relevant for the FOSS-BU competence profile, .

Of course feel free to shape the report at your convenience, provided that the general structure remains the same.


The tables are just intended to collect and organise the main details about the results of your research. Use then free text and/or other layouts to go deeper in your elaboration, should you find it necessary.


Thank you!



