Dear Max and Sivan,

from what I can see in the Keybase folder "K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training course contents", we miss updated versions of Units 2.3, 2.4., 3 and 5. I couldn't find files/updates from these partners. Have you received them personally?
I summarise here the status for the Content Development, but please feel free to adjust it, and add the dates of other files in case you have them.

O2/A1 Partners 1st submission Update after Review from SKUNI Update after proofreading from DIT Updates after 1st Peer Review of OFE and FSFE Updates after 2nd peer review (by 15.02.19)
ATL - Unit 1 29.11. 13.12.18  09.01.19  03.02.19  
OFE - Unit 2.1
and 2.2.
03.12. 12.12.18  08.01.19  30.01.19  
Dlearn - Unti 2.3
and 2.4.
14.09. 14.12.18 (12:04h) 14.12.18 (19:14)    
Dit - Unit 3 12.12.  - 09.01.19
Skovde - Unit 4 30.11. - 17.12.18  06.02.19  
FSFE - Unit 5  08.01.19 -

How do we want to proceed now? Should we wait until you have all the units, so that you can review them as a whole? Or have you already started working on them to provide us with your feedback?
Let me know when we can discuss this further in order to adjust our strict timeplan.


Στις Τρί, 12 Φεβ 2019 στις 10:09 π.μ., ο/η Sivan Pätsch <> έγραψε:
Good morning Katerina,

I could also find in the below folder units 2.1-2.2 (30 Jan) and unit 4 (5 Feb). Max, I think you said that unit 2.3-2.4 and unit 5 were also updated. Are they on the keybase?

That would mean that only unit 3 from DIT is missing. If this is the case, Katerina, could you ping them again and ask when they intent do deliver the edited version?


team/foss4smes/2. Implementation/Outputs/Output 2/A1 Training course contents/Peer Review - 1st round/After Peer Review

On Tue, 2019-02-12 at 09:32 +0200, Katerina Tsinari wrote:
Dear Max and Sivan,

from what I can see in the Keybase folder "K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training course contents", we only have an updated version of Unit 1. I couldn't find files/updates from the other partners. Have you received them personally?
I summarised the status for the Content Development in this old table, but please feel free to adjust it, and add the dates of other files in case you have them:

O2/A1 Partners 1st submission Update after Review from SKUNI Update after proofreading from DIT Updates after 1st Peer Review of OFE and FSFE Updates after 2nd peer review (by 15.02.19)
ATL - Unit 1 29.11. 13.12.18  09.01.19  03.02.19  
OFE - Unit 2.1
and 2.2.
03.12. 12.12.18  08.01.19    
Dlearn - Unti 2.3
and 2.4.
14.09. 14.12.18 (12:04h) 14.12.18 (19:14)    
Dit - Unit 3 12.12.  - 09.01.19
Skovde - Unit 4 30.11. - 17.12.18    
FSFE - Unit 5  08.01.19 -

How do we want to proceed now? Should we wait until you have all the units, so that you can review them as a whole?
Let me know if we need to discuss this further in order to adjust our strict timeplan.

Thank you for your support.


Στις Κυρ, 10 Φεβ 2019 στις 7:45 μ.μ., ο/η Max Mehl <> έγραψε:
Dear all,

>From what I can see in this email thread and Keybase, we meanwhile have updated versions for all Units except Unit 3. Could you please let Sivan and me know when you would be able to send us a new version?



~ Max Mehl [2019-01-21 13:02 +0100]:
> Dear all,
> As presented in Dublin, Sivan and I have finished the first round of peer reviews. Attached and in Keybase [^1] you will find the results with comments and in-text changes in the folders of OFE and FSFE.
> Attached and in Keybase you will also find a document with recommended style guidelines which summarise issues and inconsistencies we've found in most documents. Please read and consider implementing them while editing your learning units.
> Please note that all peer-reviewed documents are in the ODT format. Please consider using LibreOffice when editing the files to guarantee best compatibility amongst all partners.
> Timeline for the next steps related to O2/A1 looks like the following:
>   - 03.02.: all partners updated their units based on peer review and guidelines
>   - 08.02.: 2nd round of peer review finished
>   - 19.02.: all partners implement feedback from 2nd peer review
>   - 01.03.: raw import of all units finished
> Thanks for your work! If you have any questions regarding both FSFE's
> and OFE's comments, please do not hesitate to ask us.
> Best,
> Max
> [^1]: 2. Implementation -> Outputs -> Output 2 -> A1 Training course
> contents -> Peer Review - 1st round

Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
Contact and information: | @mxmehl
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Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


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