Dear Jonas and Bjoern,

thank you for preparing version 2.0 of the deliverable on the assessment methodology. I have now seen your files and prepared some feedback for you. You can find my comments in the attached file and in the following points:

Can you please format the document you prepared so that it looks more like the rest of the project papers? You can use the file “FOSS4SMES ECVET CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES” as an example.

Can you please mention some more details concerning which partner will have which extra country? We can discuss this in the next telco to give you more input.

Do you want to mention something on the duration and location of the short training activities to be organised by each partner? Do you think we should leave it open to each partner to decide on his own?

Can you please format the assessment template you developed in a way that we can use it both digitally and in print? I also wonder if its not better to prepare the template with the help of an online FOSS tool that will allow automatic summary of respondents results. Why do you prefer to develop a custom script(s) for compiling an overview of responses from the set of ODS files? Will it not be more time consuming for us to use? Maybe we can discuss this in our next telco. If we have discussed this in Dublin, sorry for not remembering what the opinions of each partner were.

Last but not least, I would like to discuss with you the presentation of three different scenarios within section 5. Have I understood your text correctly, that you recommend the project partners to promote the first scenario to their local SMEs? Why should they then start the assessment with the third scenario? Maybe we need to make this part more precise to avoid confusion of readers.

I also use the opportunity to tell you that I am working together with Brian to be able to prepare the self-diagnostic tool and other questionnaires that will be inside the learning platform and will help us asses the Learners Alignment to Learning Objectives. As soon as Brian has them ready, ATL will develop them in the platform and we will be ready to start with the O2/A4 activities. Before that, the training system is not considered as complete from my point of view.

Furthermore, similarly I am working together with Francesco to be able to prepare tools (surveys and a model for collection of case studies) that will help us measure the impact of the entire training system to the different target groups of this project. These tools must be used in parallel with the assessment tools of SKUNI. Francesco informed me, that he will be able to deliver these tools after the 21st of March. Lets discuss in our telco how can we deal with the timeline.

I suggest that we discuss these and further points in our telco on the 12th of March. After that it will be easier for you to update your files accordingly.
I think that our discussion will allow us clarify all points in order everyone is on the same page and understands the steps correctly.

I thank you for your valuable contribution to this activity. I will keep you posted on any developments.



Στις Πέμ, 28 Φεβ 2019 στις 3:14 μ.μ., ο/η Jonas Gamalielsson <> έγραψε:
Dear Katerina,

After consideration of review comments (in all review rounds), please find an updated version aimed for usage scenario 1 and 2 (O2-A1_Content Unit 4_v5_for_usage_scenario_1_and_2.odt) and an updated version aimed for usage scenario 3 (filename "O2-A1_Content Unit
4_v5_for_usage_scenario_3.pdf") in the following folder of the Keybase platform:

"K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training course contents\Peer Review - 2nd round\After Peer Review"

We also attach the files to this email.

Please advise us when we can go ahead with our conduct of assessment according to usage scenario 3 as detailed in the guidelines in the document "O2/A4 assessment methodology and tools" (see K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A4 Assessment\O2_A4_assessment_description_v2.pdf) and in the FOSS4SMEs minutes from the telco on 19 February 2019 (K:\team\foss4smes\5. Meetings\Telcos\FOSS4SMEs_Minutes_20190219.pdf).

 From past experiences and dialogues with SMEs, we find that it is very important to give them as much calender time as possible for the assessments. Therefore, we find that it is now urgent that each partner can proceed with step 1 (of the five steps) as detailed in section "5.
Guidelines" in the document "O2/A4 assessment methodology and tools".

Jonas & Björn

Jonas Gamalielsson, PhD

Software Systems Research Group
Informatics Research Specialisation
University of Skövde
P.O. Box 408
SE-541 28 SKÖVDE
Office: Portalen, floor 4, room 410r
Tel: +46 (0)500-448375
Fax: +46 (0)500-416325




Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


