Hi Galia,

can you please send us the final version of the report by tomorrow?


Στις Τετ, 26 Ιουν 2019 στις 9:02 μ.μ., ο/η Katerina Tsinari <tsinari@abe.gr> έγραψε:
Hi Galia,

can you please send me the final version of the report per e-mail without any spots that I should change or deal with?
Sorry, but I am struggling with more urgent management issues in the project and I cant take over this practical task. Thank you for your help. Please send it to us by 28.06.


Στις Δευ, 24 Ιουν 2019 στις 10:37 μ.μ., ο/η Galia Mancheva <galia@fsfe.org> έγραψε:
Hi Katerina,

What I asked for are the same things we had included in the previous
report. My guess was we would be asked to provide them as a comparison
basis. If you do not think this would be the case, then you can find the
ready report on keybase. You have to simply remove the marks in red.

Kind Regards,

On 24/06/2019 11:28, Katerina Tsinari wrote:
> Dear Galia,
> what data is retained by ATL, depends on the tools that are linked to
> our websites. There is also the limitation of FOSS that has forced us to
> limit our choices. Ifigenias feeling is that the items you are asking
> for just do not exist, because they were not recorded by the tools we
> chose to use. It is her opinion that FSFE should go forward with the
> information it has. You are asked not to show at all which information
> is missing, as we think we have enough information anyway.
> Thank you for finalising the report. Please send it to us by 28.06.
> Best,
> Katerina
> Στις Παρ, 21 Ιουν 2019 στις 9:58 π.μ., ο/η Katerina Tsinari
> <tsinari@abe.gr <mailto:tsinari@abe.gr>> έγραψε:
>     Dear Galia,
>     thank you very much for your reply. As I have not received more
>     information from my IT colleagues, I can no further support you in
>     finalising your report. I will now ask the help of Ifigeneia and
>     come back to you asap.
>     Sorry for the inconvenience.
>     Best,
>     Katerina
>     Στις Τρί, 18 Ιουν 2019 στις 3:24 μ.μ., ο/η Galia Mancheva
>     <galia@fsfe.org> έγραψε:
>         Dear Katerina,
>         Find my replies inline:
>         On 05/06/2019 11:43, Katerina Tsinari wrote:
>         >
>         > I populated as much missing information as possible at my
>         > end with the help of my IT colleagues,
>         The information missing in the sections marked in red is still
>         missing.
>         The "Analytics overview" xlsx file you sent is unfortunately not
>         providing the necessary data. You seem to have missed to include the
>         screenshots mentioned in my previous email. Some of the
>         screenshots sent
>         earlier were the wrong ones, and I included examples in the second
>         amended version of the report, to help visually.
>         > so that you can finalise your
>         > report,
>         Unfortunately, many of the requested screenshots and data are still
>         missing. Furthermore, it is not clear what in the "Analytics
>         overview"
>         file refers to twitter and/or website. With the information
>         provided, it
>         is impossible for us to fill in the missing information in the
>         report alone.
>         > as this is the responsibility of FSFE and not mine.
>         >
>         The responsibility of the FSFE with regards to the Dissemination
>         report
>         is creating the report. Given the resources available to us, we have
>         fully complied with our responsibility. As all of the mentioned
>         channels
>         are administrated and maintained by the project coordinator ATL,
>         providing relevant data from those channels in the report is
>         responsibility of ATL, as the participating partner, similarly
>         to the
>         first Dissemination Report, and according to the "FOSS4SMEs
>         comms tasks
>         division" charter discussed during the Dublin meeting.
>         During the first Dissemination Report, the FSFE managed to collect
>         information only from the twitter account, but due to the platform's
>         policy changes, we cannot acquire access to the account anymore.
>         That being said, the FSFE has fully complied with its
>         responsibility in
>         relation to the Dissemination report.
>         > The input of ATL is between your lines and attached as a Word
>         file.
>         >
>         There is still a great deal of information and screenshots
>         previously
>         requested that it seems to be missing in the files sent now.
>         Detailed
>         information on what they are can be seen in the updated file
>         "Interim
>         Dissemination Report M16-M18" -3rd version uploaded in keybase.
>         >
>         >     1. Under section 2.2 "Outreach of the targeted audience
>         and activities"
>         >     - Website statistics (views/visits) are missing;
>         >
>         > --> Check attached file Analytics Overview 20190101-20190430.xlsx
>         >
>         As mentioned above, it is not clear which tabs of the file refer
>         to the
>         website and which to twitter. It is not clear which pages the
>         numbers
>         refer to, neither.
>         >
>         >     - The total number should be updated accordingly in both:
>         the table
>         >     "Target Audience Category" and inside the text.
>         >
>         > --> Please do so.
>         >
>         I can do so, only if provided with numbers and data
>         >     2. Website section 3.1
>         >     - Visuals (screenshots, or graphics of the website stats)
>         supporting the
>         >     numbers
>         >
>         > --> nothing new from myside
>         There is no old input received from your side neither.
>         >     - Inside the marked in red text: Analysis and more
>         information on the
>         >     website stats:
>         >      ** number of visitors during the reported period;
>         >      ** locations from which the website was visited;
>         >      ** how the website was accessed (i.e google or any other
>         search,
>         >     redirected from facebook or other social media, etc.);
>         >      ** comparison statistics of the website pages if such
>         numbers are
>         >     available
>         >      ** information on most active hours during the day if
>         such numbers are
>         >     availale
>         >
>         > --> for all the above points with **  Check attached file
>         Analytics
>         > Overview 20190101-20190430.xlsx
>         >
>         As mentioned above, it is not clear which tabs of the file refer
>         to the
>         website and which to twitter. It is not clear which pages the
>         numbers
>         refer to, neither.
>         >     4. Section 3.2.2 "Results on Facebook"
>         >     - Amend the comparison with twitter information marked in
>         red according
>         >     to the new stats information.
>         >
>         > --> This is FSFEs task. Sorry that I cant help u.
>         As administrating and maintaining those channels have been done
>         by ATL,
>         the FSFE does not have access to and this therefore cannot be
>         the FSFE
>         task. If ATL cannot help, then who can I ask to provide this
>         information?
>         >     5. Section 4 "FOSS Learning Platform"
>         >
>         > -->  Where is this section? The titles inside the “table of
>         contents”
>         > don’t match with the titles inside the document. Update required.
>         >
>         The table of content is not updating automatically when changes are
>         made, but I quoted the exact names of the sections, so they can
>         be also
>         directly found with a copy-paste. I just checked and this specific
>         section is on page 23
>         I updated the file again with the information you sent and it is in
>         keybase 1.Management/Dissemination Reports
>         Best Regards,
>         Galia
>         --
>         Galia Mancheva- Project Manager
>         Free Software Foundation Europe | www.fsfe.org <http://www.fsfe.org>
>         +49-30-27595290 (office)
>         +32 488 070 135 (mobile)
>         fingerprint: 4195 1315 E14A A00A 0119 6F17 8040 8B16 CADD 6573
>         Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany
>         Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030
>     --
>     atlantis-logo-for-signatures
>     *Katerina Tsinari*
>     *EU Projects consultant*
>     *Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki*
>     *T:*
>     *2310 233 266*
>     *Email:*
>     *tsinari@abe.gr <mailto:elsianli@abe.gr>*
>     *URL:*
>     *www.abe.gr <http://www.abe.gr/>*
>     *Skype:*
>     * tsinarikaterina@hotmail.de <mailto:tsinarikaterina@hotmail.de>*
>     <https://www.linkedin.com/company/atlantis-engineering-sa><https://twitter.com/EngAtlantis><https://www.facebook.com/Atlantis-Engineering-SA-141993602518655><https://plus.google.com/u/0/112248896999799346483>
> --
> atlantis-logo-for-signatures
> *Katerina Tsinari*
> *EU Projects consultant*
> *Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki*
> *T:*
> *2310 233 266*
> *Email:*
> *tsinari@abe.gr <mailto:elsianli@abe.gr>*
> *URL:*
> *www.abe.gr <http://www.abe.gr/>*
> *Skype:*
> * tsinarikaterina@hotmail.de <mailto:tsinarikaterina@hotmail.de>*
> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/atlantis-engineering-sa><https://twitter.com/EngAtlantis><https://www.facebook.com/Atlantis-Engineering-SA-141993602518655><https://plus.google.com/u/0/112248896999799346483>

Galia Mancheva- Project Manager
Free Software Foundation Europe | www.fsfe.org
+49-30-27595290 (office)
+32 488 070 135 (mobile)
fingerprint: 4195 1315 E14A A00A 0119 6F17 8040 8B16 CADD 6573
Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany
Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030




Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266








Katerina Tsinari

Κατερίνα Τσινάρη