Hi Sivan,

you are right, we have no numerical targets for the other categories.

The idea to put a number on them came out from the discussion between me and Katerina, because we thought it would have been better for everyone to have a reference target in order to try and present the same amount of results across the different countries.

I tried to keep the numbers as low as possible to avoid overclaiming, given the time we have left. But, again, this is for us to be decided, so let’s hear everyone’s opinion and make a collective decision.




Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623

Email francesco.agresta@dlearn.eu








Da: Sivan Pätsch <sivan@openforumeurope.org>
Inviato: giovedì 20 giugno 2019 16:17
A: francesco.agresta@dlearn.eu; 'FOSS4SMEs mailing list' <foss4smes-team@lists.fsfe.org>
Oggetto: Re: [FOSS4SMEs-team] Quality Plan v1.2


Hi Francesco,


Thanks for pointing to the update of the quality plan in the call on Tuesday.


I have reviewed chapter 7 on the impact according to our discussion on the call in regard to the number of representatives from the different target groups we want to receive input on the impact measurement.


I see that the application (p 62) points to five case studies per partner for the target group SMEs, but makes no prescription for any other category of impact measurement or target group. Is it therefore necessary to commit to a specific number for the other measurements and target groups? Would it be possible to make no binding commitment for the other categories or at least reduce the numbers significantly, as we have not promised five inputs for the other categories/target groups?





On Fri, 2019-06-14 at 18:44 +0200, francesco.agresta@dlearn.eu wrote:

Dear partners,

I’m sending here the links for three impact surveys we are supposed to send out and have filled in during these final months until the end of the project.


They relate to three different target groups:


  1. SMEs
  2. VET Centres, Trainers and Coaches7


  1. Project partners (i.e. ourselves)



The fourth target group to be surveyed will be “Other stakeholders” (e.g. policy makers in digital education). They will be part of a “formal consultation based on Intellectual Output 3”, which is still under development.

However, this fourth group will be most probably approached exploiting the occasion of the final conference in Brussels.


In addition, please find attached a template for the collection of SMEs case studies showcasing the participants experience and improved performance. We are supposed to collect 5 case studies per partner, 30 in total.


These activities relate to the “Impact” strategy described at page 62-63 of the proposal.

I have started updating the Quality Plan accordingly with all the necessary information (you will find it in keybase), and it will be finalised as soon as we are done also with the 4th target group and the self-diagnostic tool (which is supposed to depict the “before” situation about participants).



Please have a look at the surveys and we will discuss them during our monthly call coming next Tuesday.


Wish you a nice weekend,



Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623

Email francesco.agresta@dlearn.eu




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