Dear all,

its nice to receive detailed feedback from SKUNI, OFE and Ifigeneia. I will now add my own feedback plus some old notes I have from Ifigeneia on this issue for consideration.

She also suggested (older notes I kept):

- to ask the questions in a smart way, in order to get the answers, we need;

- to have less free text questions;

- to remember that we will need to use the results/information give inside the final report as a proof of our work;

- tool nr.4 “written evidence of concrete plans” should be developed as a question inside the “after survey”, so that we cover it this way;

- tool nr.5 “expressions of interest” should be developed as a question inside the “after survey”, so that we cover it this way;

- tool nr.8 “Peer Review through staff” concerning the partners, each of us should write 5 lines on where they will use the project results afterwards. The stakeholders can do it in our Multiplier event in Brussels.

- tool nr. 2 “performance data metric document before and after”, which is for SMEs, she suggested to develop it as a questionnaire in limesurvey. Either extra or inside the “Participant Impact surveys”.

Concerning the numbers, the proposal gives numbers also for other categories of impact measurement or target group. They are just not in these 2 pages and one has to look for them elsewere. Ifigeneia and me have long thought and discussed these numbers and have already suggested to Dlearn the following numbers per partner:

Tool nr. 1: 15

Tool nr. 2: 15

Tool nr. 3: 5

Tool nr. 4: as many as possible

Tool nr. 5: as many as possible

Tool nr. 6: 40

Tool nr. 7: 30+

Since the rest of the team partners don’t know ATLs discussion with Dlearn on this so far, here I explain the numbering:

Tool nr. 1: Participant survey of 15 SMEs and VET trainers (before and after) including a reflection statement

Tool nr. 2: Completion of performance data/metric document by 15 SMEs (before and after) 

Tool nr. 3: A set of 5 SME case studies from each partner (total 30) showcasing the participants experience and improved performance

Tool nr. 4: Written evidence of concrete plans and/or actual examples of new SMEs and VET trainers using the FOSS4SMEs platform by participants

Tool nr. 5: Number of ‘expressions of interest’/requests to use the FOSS4SMEs platform by other SMEs, VET trainers, Stakeholders and partners.

Tool nr. 6: a regional/national database of stakeholders and key contacts (stakeholders matrix) with at least 40 regional and national stakeholders with responsibility for VET/SME policy and development.

Tool nr. 7: A formal consultation exercise involving 30+ national and European policy-makers/key stakeholders based on the policy recommendations (O3) .

Tool nr. 8: A peer review, for which partners will nominate a staff member not directly involved in pilot activities to complete a questionnaire to provide feedback and comments on the projects tangible and intangible outcomes.

Tool nr. 9: A persuasive business case of how to make strategic use of FOSS and the use of open educational resources within VET – Can be prepared inside the new chapter of the updated Quality Plan.

The coordinators suggestion – agreed with Dlearn- is to try to reach these numbers as good as we can. If we reach them, we can be optimistic to have a good evaluation during our Final Reporting period. Of course we can make a collective decision, after we receive feedback from TUD and FSFE (deadline was set for 21.06.).

Dear Francesco, when can we have the updated chapter inside the Quality plan and the tools ready? Is it possible by 28.06?


Στις Πέμ, 20 Ιουν 2019 στις 6:30 μ.μ., ο/η <> έγραψε:

Hi Sivan,

you are right, we have no numerical targets for the other categories.

The idea to put a number on them came out from the discussion between me and Katerina, because we thought it would have been better for everyone to have a reference target in order to try and present the same amount of results across the different countries.

I tried to keep the numbers as low as possible to avoid overclaiming, given the time we have left. But, again, this is for us to be decided, so let’s hear everyone’s opinion and make a collective decision.




Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623




Da: Sivan Pätsch <>
Inviato: giovedì 20 giugno 2019 16:17
A:; 'FOSS4SMEs mailing list' <>
Oggetto: Re: [FOSS4SMEs-team] Quality Plan v1.2


Hi Francesco,


Thanks for pointing to the update of the quality plan in the call on Tuesday.


I have reviewed chapter 7 on the impact according to our discussion on the call in regard to the number of representatives from the different target groups we want to receive input on the impact measurement.


I see that the application (p 62) points to five case studies per partner for the target group SMEs, but makes no prescription for any other category of impact measurement or target group. Is it therefore necessary to commit to a specific number for the other measurements and target groups? Would it be possible to make no binding commitment for the other categories or at least reduce the numbers significantly, as we have not promised five inputs for the other categories/target groups?




Στις Πέμ, 20 Ιουν 2019 στις 5:16 μ.μ., ο/η <> έγραψε:

Dear Ifigenia, Sivan and all,

to be honest I wasn’t aware of the SUS label, but the concept is right.

That set of questions come from the need to create a “participant survey” as required by the proposal, which could also serve to evaluate the overall platform during piloting and testing.

However, there are currently 15 questions in the matrix, so if everyone agrees I could cut them to 10 to make it simpler and adapt to the SUS methodology.


Another option might be to remove this matrix from the surveys addressed externally (i.e. SMEs and VET) and leave it only for our internal testing (i.e. the third survey dedicated to project partners).


Reduction of questions in the second matrix + indication of the unit number  -> yes, this could be easily adjusted too.


On a more practical side, I have just found out that unfortunately the free version of LimeSurvey allows us only 25 responses per survey created. I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware of that.

Do someone of you (maybe the partners more expert in the FOSS world) have any advice on other free and open source tool to create online surveys that could be fit for our purpose?


Thank you,


Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623






Da: Ifigeneia Metaxa <>
Inviato: giovedì 20 giugno 2019 15:46
A: 'Sivan Pätsch' <>; 'Francesco Agresta' <>; 'Jonas Gamalielsson' <>
Oggetto: RE: [FOSS4SMEs-team] FOSS4SMEs_ Impact surveys


Dear all,


If I get it right, these questions come from SUS (eg. and, thus, should be used as they are, if we want to derive a result on the usability, based on the scale of this methodology. The intention is for the same issue to be addressed/asked in both a “positive”  and “negative” way, in order to make sure that the user has a clear understanding and does not respond mechanically. Again, I am not that deep in the project, you know best.


Best regards,



From: Foss4smes-team [] On Behalf Of Sivan Patsch
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 4:32 PM
To: Francesco Agresta; Jonas Gamalielsson
Subject: Re: [FOSS4SMEs-team] FOSS4SMEs_ Impact surveys


Hi Francesco,


I agree with Jonas and Björn that the number of questions could become an issue to for the response rate. Specifically, in the matrix, there is some potential to remove questions that look at the same aspect from a different angle.




"The learning platform was easy to use" and "I found the learning platform unnecessarily complex"

-> a similar and could be one question


"I felt very confident using the platform"

-> not sure if the confidence of the reader is relevant for us


There are also some formatting issues where there seems automated hyphenation (line breaks within one word) happening which does not help ease of reading.


I don't know if it will be possible, but maybe you can also reduce the questions for the different units of the course? A help could also be to add the number of the unit so it's a bit clearer.





On Tue, 2019-06-18 at 18:15 +0200, Francesco Agresta wrote:

Dear Jonas and Bjorn, 
thank you for your prompt and valuable feedback.
Il 18 giugno 2019 alle 17.33 Jonas Gamalielsson <


> ha scritto:
We have checked the three surveys and notice that the text for questions 
are right justified, and we think they should be left justified. Several 
questions have formatting issues which may significantly inhibit 
respondents from filling in the survey.
I see, I didn't select a right justification so I guess that the Limesurvey system did it automatically. I have started to use it only recently, so I can try to fix it.
We don't understand how the questions on the survey page "FOSS4SMEs 
Impact" relate to impact.
In general, few questions actually address the purpose of the survey, as 
stated on the first page of the survey(s): "This survey has been 
developed to assess the impact of the FOSS4SMEs main outputs on 
participating SMEs.". Most questions are at the level of the individual 
experiences rather than at the organisational (SME) level.
I get your point, which is all the way reasonable. However, I believe that we have to keep in mind the scope of this project and our present status. Do you believe it would be possible to report on an impact at organisational level over the remaining implementation time, also given the fact that the course has still not be released? 
I can't see this happening right now, but please give me input if I'm wrong. This is why I thought the easiest way to get away with this task would be to keep an individual approach.
Further, we fear that the large number of questions may reduce the 
response rate.
I could take out some of the questions in the two matrixes, but I'm afraid the free-text questions at the end of the survey have to stay because they are specifically asked in the proposal.
We also find that there is a significant risk for low response rate, in 
particular for SMEs, when using an online survey tool. Hence, it would 
be appropriate to also provide an offline alternative (e.g. in the form 
of an ODS template that is provided to potential respondents so that 
respondents can fill it in, print it, and sent it back via post 
(landmail/airmail) to address privacy concerns).
I developed an online survey because we thought with Katerina it would have made easier the dissemination of the questionnaire and the collection/analysis of responses. However, if you think you'll need an .odt version of it for the SMEs, that's not going to be an issue.
On 2019-06-14 18:44,


Dear partners,
I’m sending here the links for three impact surveys we are supposed to 
send out and have filled in during these final months until the end of 
the project.
They relate to three different target groups:
 1. SMEs


 2. VET Centres, Trainers and Coaches7


 3. Project partners (i.e. ourselves)


The fourth target group to be surveyed will be “Other stakeholders” 
(e.g. policy makers in digital education). They will be part of a 
“formal consultation based on Intellectual Output 3”, which is still 
under development.
However, this fourth group will be most probably approached exploiting 
the occasion of the final conference in Brussels.
In addition, please find attached a template for the collection of SMEs 
case studies showcasing the participants experience and improved 
performance. We are supposed to collect 5 case studies per partner, 30 
in total.
These activities relate to the “Impact” strategy described at page 62-63 
of the proposal.
I have started updating the Quality Plan accordingly with all the 
necessary information (you will find it in keybase), and it will be 
finalised as soon as we are done also with the 4^th target group and the 
self-diagnostic tool (which is supposed to depict the “before” situation 
about participants).
Please have a look at the surveys and we will discuss them during our 
monthly call coming next Tuesday.
Wish you a nice weekend,
Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn <


Francesco Agresta
European Project Manager
European Digital Learning Network
Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30
20124 Milano
Mob. +39 3496027623








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