Dear all,

I want to inform you that points 1 and 2 were completed from me today by using google translation. I am sorry that we couldnt wait for your translations any longer.


Στις Τρί, 22 Οκτ 2019 στις 2:26 μ.μ., ο/η Katerina Tsinari <> έγραψε:
Dear all,

I want to inform you on two further points we urgently need to work on.
  1. in Lesson 1.2, Part 1 – Telling apart myths from factsthis sentence is wrong "FOSS is actually a long-term success story, since almost all software prior to the 1980s was FOSS". Please go inside your course in Moodle and change this part in "Myth 6: FOSS is only a trend and you can’t rely on it for the future. FOSS is actually a long-term success story. By the 1980s, almost all software was proprietary. Since then, free software developers have tried various methods of finding funds and a constantly growing number of individuals, businesses and institutions use and contribute to FOSS. ".   Thank you. (Greek is already done by me).
  2. 3rd Newsletter: Please visit the table "Translations Brochure Website Newsletter.xlxs" and translate the yellow parts located in the tabs "website" and "3rd Newsletter". Thank you.
  3. Licensing terms: Please see my answer on Sivans e-mail explaining you what you need to do in your moodle courses.
Thank you all for completing tasks 1 and 2 by this Friday. The 4th Newsletter will be translated as soon as I receive the text from TUD/Brian G. Sorry for the delay.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Από: Katerina Tsinari <>
Date: Παρ, 18 Οκτ 2019 στις 7:59 μ.μ.
Subject: Fwd: FOSS4SMEs: Project status 11.10.19 - FINAL E-MAIL BEFORE SUBMISSION of 31.10.2019
To: FOSS4SMEs mailing list <>
Cc: Cosmas Vamvalis <>

Dear all,

this is a kind reminder that we have only one week left to finalise everything. I ve gone through our folders in Keybase to realise that most of our remaining tasks are still not complete. Please understand the urgency of the situation and the time pressure we are on now. There can be no further delay anymore. Thank you all for working hard!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Από: Katerina Tsinari <>
Date: Παρ, 11 Οκτ 2019 στις 12:19 μ.μ.
Subject: FOSS4SMEs: Project status 11.10.19 - FINAL E-MAIL BEFORE SUBMISSION of 31.10.2019
To: FOSS4SMEs mailing list <>
Cc: Cosmas Vamvalis <>

Dear all,

we have only two weeks left to finalise everything. From 28 up to 31 of October I need to adjust all documents my self, make a final spelling and format check and upload the required files on our website and the Erasmus platform. Please understand the urgency of the situation and the time pressure we are on now. There can be no further delay anymore. This is my final e-mail informing you on the status of our project and your last to dos. I will assume you have completed all your tasks by the 27th of October and I will start checking your deliveries from the 28th onwards.


Upload your travel docs in Keybase: TUD, SKUNI under K:\team\foss4smes\5. Meetings\4. Brussels\Travel Docs

Upload your Cert. of Participation in Keybase: TUD, FSFE à under K:\team\foss4smes\5. Meetings\4. Brussels\Certificates of Participation

Timesheets 07-09/2019: OFE to send to ATL

O1/A2 executive summary translation: File “FOSS4SMEs_ IO1.A2 Executive Summary”, Translation to be provided by Dlearn in K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 1\A2\O1.A2. Summary translations

Brussels meeting minutes: Dear Jonas and Francesco, please work together and upload for the rest of the team the final version of the minutes in one single file. Its been already 2 weeks…



Moodle course – 200 required registrations: ATL: 5 , TUD: 2 (in IR) and 13 (in Master) , FSFE: 0 , OFE: 5 , SKOVDE: 1 , Dlearn: 0 . Please make sure you have 35 registered users in your course. Through analytics we will check how many downloaded the content from the zip folder from our project website.

O2/A4 filled assessment templates: FSFE, TUD, DLEARN, OFE. Results of our O2/A4 to be saved under K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A4 Assessment.

O2/A2 Mother tongue videos: still expecting the links from TUD for the videos. Each partner will be responsible for updating his course.

O2/A2 Import of Italian translations: DLEARN.



Signed participants list: OFE please upload under K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Multiplier Events\Multiplier Event 4 – Brussels

O3/A3 summary TRANSLATION: Dlearn, FSFE, Skovde in K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 3\A3\Translations Summary

O3/A1 executive summary translation: Dlearn in folder K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 3\A1\Translated executive summaries



Multiplier Events:  TUD à Please upload your Presentation in PDF form. ODP is not working to my PC. Also, upload fotos with FOSS4SMES flyers and the signed participants list. We need a proof you printed some. Please print some and make a pic at your premises.

DLEARN and FSFE à no materials yet.

Signed participants list: OFE please upload under K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Multiplier Events\Multiplier Event 4 – Brussels

ATL/GR: information will be uploaded by 29.10.

Diss. Plan: FSFE check and finalise by 18.09.19

Exploit. Plan: FSFE check and finalise by 18.09.19

Feasibility study - OFE:

03.10. Sivan “I have made adjustments to your earlier feedback of this deliverable and really don't know what else to do with this. The application is very vague on what this deliverable is supposed to be. I have done my best to take your feedback into account, but really don't think there is anything I can still add on this”.

ATL: Dear Sivan, thank you for the hard work so far. I haven’t sent you any “serious/formal review” since you haven’t prepared a “serious draft” before. My first e-mail to you on this was to provide you guidelines on how you can build this part, since you asked for help and felt unable to proceed with the task. Now that you have prepared a draft, I reviewed it and this is my official feedback. I have these points since the beginning of September, but I believed it is better to give them to you after our event in Brussels and especially after the O2/A4 is finished. In this way you could work on my review by having in mind also the above mentioned results, which was how we were supposed to proceed initially in the project (please see our timeplan again). Do you think you can make one last try and send me your final version by 18.10.19? You can ask Jonas on the results, so that you can include a paragraph on this.

4th Newsletter: TUD/Brian Gillespie send your draft by 04.10. as it needs to be sent out asap (launch of platform + brussels event)

Stakeholders Matrix: SKUNI should insert 25 new entries in the table. Please check page 15-16 of our Dissemination Plan to understand the purpose of this and the type of contacts you need to include. We need this ready by 04.10.19.

A8 Publications: Please send to Galia information on articles, press releases, etc. you plan to publish in the future. We need to have sth here.

Social Media: Follow, like, share my postings.

Dissemination events and activities table: OFE, TUD, FSFE, SKUNI, DLEARN Please include at least two of your events in this table under the row called “to be Included in Final Diss. Report (04-09.2019)”.

Final Diss. Report: allà reply to Galia by 04.10. FSFEà prepare by 18.10.



Platform Design Plan: Update by ATL.

results Upload on Erasmus platform + our website: ATL by end of October.

Final Report: by 25.10.19

Project website:

- New sections to be added. Old to be updated. Partners will be asked for translations asap.

- Delete second usage scenario from Website if not provided from IT depart.



By 13.10.: 15 SMEs + 1 VET à Moodle Course and Limesurvey

                    5 SMEs à case studies

                    1 partner employee à Limesurvey (ATL, done)

By 18.10: All partners to upload their impact results in Keybase.

à Francesco, can you tell us all where we stand here? I need numbers per partner.



By 04.10.: CHECK AND FINALISE Quality Plan

By 25.10.: Add chapter on Impact results, evaluation of Brussels meeting, 2-year evaluation by partners à prepare FINAL QUALITY REPORT.


I thank you all so much for our cooperation. Keep fingers crossed for a successful submission. Take care!





Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266








Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266








Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266





Katerina Tsinari

Κατερίνα Τσινάρη