Anna, can you try using Jitsi with the same Jabber server and let us know if it works?

Anna Morris <> wrote:
am interested as to why jabber, through pidgin, with both accounts on same server, worked when we were in the same room but not when we were in different places. Cisco are offering something jabber shaped as a service like this, and apparantly that works (i bet they wont tell us how or why though!). I really wouldn't mind paying a few pounds a month for a service like this, but not from them. Anyway - it is all over my head, but i guess all the info helps :)

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Matthias Kirschner <> wrote:
* Daniel Pocock <> [2013-01-29 21:01:24 +0100]:

> In particular, we are expecting a really big attendance at the session
> this Sunday.  My web stats have gone through the roof this month, and
> all of the speakers involved typically attract a huge crowd just
> appearing on their own.  Is there anybody involved with FSFE who may
> be able to comment on or contribute to the logistics of carrying
> forward the momentum from Sunday's session?

I will be at FOSDEM, what are your plans? I am not sure I can attend
your session, but I heard from others from FSFE that they plan to.


Matthias Kirschner - FSFE - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
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