I accidentally did not "reply all" this morning when sending this ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Charles Cossé <ccosse@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: Project to stimulate Edu-FLOSS development
To: Bastien Guerry <bzg@gnu.org>

Hi Bastien & All,

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 1:26 AM, Bastien Guerry <bzg@gnu.org> wrote:
I am not sure I completely grasp the relations between users and
developers in your idea. 

Here is an ASCII diagram which needs to be viewed in fixed-width font:

|                             |
|                             |
|  Dual-Purposed Javascript   |
|       FLS Activities        |
|                             |
| 1. As Activity Plugin:      |
|                             |
|     Busking For Percentages |
|     Of Subscription Fees    |
|     Creates Incentive       |
|                             |
|  2.Indep of Online Website  |
|    Listed in FSD            |
|                             |

|                             |
|       ONLINE WEBSITE        |
|                             |
|   *Subscription Service*    |
|                             |
| Whitelisted by DEVICE@HOME  |
|     Credit-Transfer API     |
|                             |
|   +---------------------+   |
|   |---------------------|   |
|   | Maintain Activities |   |
|   |                     |   |
|   |  Interact w/Users   |   |
|   |                     |   |
|   |   Get Compensated   |   |
|   |                     |   |
|   |---------------------|   |
|                             |
|   +---------------------+   |
|   |    PARENT ACCOUNT   |   |
|   |---------------------|   |
|   | Login from Anywhere |   |
|   |                     |   |
|   | Configure & Queue   |   |
|   |      Activities     |   |
|   |NoSQL w/Credits,Queue|   |
|   |                     |   |
|   |Subscription Distri- |   |
|   |  -bution Interface  |   |
|   +---------------------+   |
|                             |
|   +---------------------+   |
|   |     KID ACCOUNT     |   |
|   |---------------------|   |
|   |   Login from Home   |   |
|   |                     |   |
|   | Complete Activities |   |
|   |       In Queue      |   |
|   |NoSQL w/Credits,Queue|   |
|   +---------------------+   |
|                             |

|                             |
|        DEVICE @ HOME        |
|                             |
|      WiFi Access Point      |
|     Firewall w/Whitelist    |
|     Credit-Transfer API     |
|                             |
|       Local Web Server      |
|                             |
|                             |
|   +---------------------+   |
|   |      KID ACCOUNT    |   |
|   |---------------------|   |
|   |  Credit-Meter UI    |   |
|   |                     |   |
|   | NoSQL w/Credits,List|   |
|   | of Devices: XBox etc|   |
|   +---------------------+   |
|                             |

The device at home is a tool for parents.  A parent could award
credits for doing dishes, for example.  The kid needs to access
the internet via the device.  But the device runs a firewall which
only lets them access whitelisted sites unless they use credits.
To use credits they browse to the website broadcast by the device
and run the "credit-meter" web application.  It's just a Javascript
application which controls the firewall and manages their credit

The online website lets them earn credits by completing activities.
The parent can configure and assign them from work, and the kids
can get there from home because the device's firewall allows access
to that site, i.e. the site is whitelisted. 

It turns out that kids will do anything for those credits, and thus there
is this huge potential to supplement their education through these
activities.  It's different that Kahn academy, for example, because
this compels them to make an effort.   Their motivation is to earn
credits for internet access, but the end result is still that they focus
and make a real effort.

If there were a bunch of good activities then this would be a service
worth paying for.  How to attract contributors?  What's in it for them?
Require the parents to pay a subscription for unlimited access, but
allow them to distribute their subscription to the developers of their
choice.  It creates a new market for education software, bringing
the parent and developer communities together and keeping the
interaction between them alive due to healthy competition for some
percentage of those subscription fees.

The ultimate goal is to create a whole bunch of new Edu-FLS.  Thus
it seems reasonable that FSF would be interested to run a campaign
advocating the whole thing.  The rest is details that have solutions.

Would you like me to set up a call with Lionel Laské about Sugarizer
and your ideas?

Yes, that would be great!  I will send a separate email ...
I'm skeptical on whether it's worth looking for endorsement, would it
be from FSF, FSFE or any other organization.

My thinking is that if RMS agrees that it's a good thing, and authorizes
an FSF campaign, then the important message is sent and FSF/* can
consider participation.

Let me understand more about the "equation" in a call some day!

I would definitely like to talk by phone.  I will send that separate email.

