Hi Scott,
did I forget to mention that I were after ISO, DIN and Beuth? So for the non Germans lets forget about DIN and Beuth and focus on ISO. These kind of documents are not to be called: "royalty free", are not they?
So I read and scanned your text provided. And I found no explicit mention of this kinds of documents in these texts.
Is this kind of documents covered?
In (or outside of) what is document-freedom-days claiming "open standards"?
29.05.2015, 15:18, "Scott Wilson" <scott.wilson@it.ox.ac.uk>:
Hi Tom,
We’ve written some guidance on this topic:
There isn’t a single answer as different standards setting organisations have different rules, and different participation.
Hope this helps,

On 29 May 2015, at 13:56, Tom Blecher <blecher.tom201645@yandex.com> wrote:

Hello people,
am I the only person on the planet who sees a connection
-of the vast nonexistence of free software in fields
-and this fields are governed -more or less- by standardization companies as Beuth-Verlag, who offers them standards for fee?
And therefore finds it necessary to solve the problem? 
Maybe not, maybe not even the first one.
So I ask here:
By which means could one a) and b) does one (fsf) usually tackle the problem?
For me to be able to support you.
Thanks in advance
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