
A few months ago I decided to buy a laptop for one of my children. I wanted to buy a new laptop without an operating system (OS) on it to install an OS to my liking. It became a complicated problem. Most stores selling computers offered me a laptop with an OS installed; it was an OS I don't want to use and I don't want to pay for. Finally, in a town near the city where I live (but not in the 1,6 million people city where I live), I found a shop offering new laptops that could be purchased with or without an OS installed, and, in case of buying the computer with OS, they said what was the price that was being paid for it.

Despite achieving my goal after a long and tedious process, I realized that in Spain, and perhaps in the entire European Union, most computers are sold with a proprietary OS already installed, without offering details of the amount the citizen is paying for that OS, and do not giving the real possibility of rejecting that OS, buy the computer without it and not be charged for it.

1. - I think it should be a right for all and every citizen of the European Union, when buying a computer, to have the details of the amount which corresponds to the computer or hardware and how much is charged for the OS and other software .

2. - I think it should be a right for all and every citizen of the European Union, when buying a computer, to have the real possibility, at the time of purchase, of rejection of the acquisition of the OS and any other software that the manufacturer and / or seller offered with the computer.

I can understand that a manufacturer and / or seller could say that computers they offer have not been tested with an OS other than the one they recommend, but, once the buyer is informed about that, I can't understand why must he buy an OS he may not want and for whose use he must accept a series of contractual terms which are entirely beyond his purpose of buying a computer.

I think the freedom and rights of all and every citizen of the European Union must be strictly observed in any transaction, and that freedom and those rights should be the priority over the profit of companies and corporations who may have intended to impose their interests.

We can fully exercise our freedom only if we have freedom of choice.

I am aware that if a measure such as I propose is adopted for the sale / buying computers process, there would be no reason to not adopt it also in relation to mobile phones, game consoles and other devices. This is not the main objective of my proposal, but, considering these possible implications, I still think it could be a good measure.

I also believe that the adoption of a measure such as I propose, in addition to directly defend the rights of citizens and consumers in the European Union, would be an incentive for competition and the free market within the European Union, would promote greater transparency in the relationship between computer manufacturers and developers of operating systems and applications and help avoid the possibility of de facto monopolies, something that could happen if one or more companies take advantage of its dominant position.

For all that I have said, I think it could be a good measure that would increase the use of free software.

But I do not know how we can get running something like this. I consulted some pages of the European Union website [1] [2] [3], but I lack the knowledge to assess what is the best way to try to carry out the proposal.

I'm sure there are people in this forum better informed and with better capabilities than me to take the proposal forward.

What can we do?



[1] http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/consultations/index_es.htm
[2] http://ec.europa.eu/spain/participa/danos-tu-opinion/index_es.htm
[3] http://ec.europa.eu/citizens-initiative/public/welcome?lg=es

P.S.: I apologize for my bad English and the mistakes.