implicating conspiracy theories
But conspiracy theories must be pointed out. What else can you do? Daniel claimed that most members of the GA and FSFE staff "stab him in the back". I think it's not true, and if a false statement affects so many people, then it's a conspiracy theory.
And btw, still no single words from your man Matthias K. If the call we
made was direct to Donal Trump he'd have given his feedback while ago I
bet. What is wrong with this organization and the people who represents it?
Perhaps Mr K. is smarter than Mr Trump. Trump reacts to any provocation, Mr K. does not. Sometimes it is easy to respond to the same repeated allegations and feed the troll. I am not calling anyone a troll here, but there are such cases in fights.
Then maybe it is time for you to step aside if I may? Change of total or partial of the current staff that are incompatible with the status quo of FSFE and enroll mixed staff (not only people from Germany or Berliners). Change of approach in relation to those who supports FSFE
and are not active within the internal structure of the organization.
So if all the co-workers step down and all the GA members who are dissatisfied with Daniel, who is left? And if you have a room full of people, a new person enters and most people in the room are dissatisfied with that new person, does it make sense to ask the majority to leave?