Totally with you on this Jonas, absolutely.

I am not a big fan of pedantic personalities who actually sticks with the meaning of each words mentioned by others, words like socialism, totalitarianism, liberalism, neo-liberalism, politics, etc. it is all the same crap to me and plus we are going off topic...I simply don't see the utility of this as it doesn't help.

All I expected here a contribution into this topic by everyone and not the lecturing of literature and meaning of words used by someone (accidentally because is not where the focus and topic is about to) because, a pro-active person will catch the real meaning and the context anyway.

Perhaps my expectation are to high...

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 9:01 AM, Jonas Oberg <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

occasionally, people in our community make mistakes. I do too, and in
this case, I spoke (or wrote) a bit hastily:

> I have no patience for socialism and I've never voted for the right.

These are strong words which I should not have put out there. The point
which I tried to make with them was well contained in the rest of the
mail: there are people, with strong opinions, from across the entire
political spectrum, and whether someone talks about Free Software or
Open Source is not a good indicator of where on this political spectrum
they fall.


Jonas Öberg
Executive Director

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