It is time to write something against this war and also explain again the various reasons why FOSS software cannot be blocked for a country
FOSS is giving freedom in Russia where there are more restrictions by the government and how many FOSS ukraine contributors are impacted about this "special invasion"

Indeed FSFE is not political but it is a foundation that involve europeans and this war involve all of us for various and different reasons.

PS: to get updated about the situation I am using

Daniele Scasciafratte - OpenSource MultiVersal Guy - @Mte90Net - GitHub - Italian Linux Society council member - Mozillian
Mozilla Reps, Mozilla TechSpeakers, WordPress Core Contributor, FSFE member,
LibreItalia member, Wikimedia Italia member and LUG Rieti founder.

Il 17/03/22 10:13, Vitaly Repin ha scritto:

I have to raise your attention to the fact that since February, 23 we have a war in Europe.

Latest press releases from FSFE are:

- 2022-03-16 KDE's Okular becomes the world's first eco-certified computer program
- 2022-03-15 Germany: 100 days of coalition agreement - hardly one day for Free Software
- 2022-03-10 "I Love Free Software Day": Free Software games and a SharePic generator
I understand that these news might be important. But it looks really strange to not say a word from FSFE (Free Software Foundation _Europe_) about the war in Europe.

Yes, FSFE is not a polictical organisation. But what happens now is beyond any politics. This is a full-scale war which happens now and here, in Europe.

I feel that FSFE MUST issue an official statement about the war and actions of Russia.

I do not know how free software activists and organizations can contribute to the peace in a more meaningful way than by issuing statements.

But I believe that the statement shall be made as a bare minimum and it shall be crystal clear.

Silence is not an option.
WBR & WBW, Vitaly

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