-----Original Message-----
From: Morris, Simon <Simon.Morris@cmtww.com>
To: 'sid_dabster@yahoo.ca' <sid_dabster@yahoo.ca>
Sent: Mon Mar 14 21:55:21 2005
Subject: Re: Linux Party [warning political]

Firstly, apologies for posting from a horrible broken MUA...

The Legalise Cannabis Alliance/Party was started in
Norwichin 1997,


 LCA could also used joint

  Today I have managed to get Steve Ballmer's office
fax number, if we had group we could on mass fax that
number at particular day.
-----END QUOTE-----

Legalise Cannabis Party...... “Joint candidates”???? Very good, Sid. Very droll :)

And secondly No. You can't go mass faxing Steve Ballmer in the name of Free Software because it is _ILLEGAL_

What do you think would make you better than the rest of the spammers out there? Because you use a free operating system?

As amusing as the repeated DOS attacks against SCO were they were illegal and wrong also, as prominent members of the community stood up and said

Microsoft project the image of the Open Source Community as a bunch of unorganised vagabonds, who can't provide a good and professional service to their (Microsofts) potential client base. They also push Linux as an illegal product that breaks patent and copyright laws. Illegal activity is a) playing into their hands and b) not really the behaviour for a potential political candidate.

Not in my name, sir!

