Hi Daniel,

thanks for raising this point, as a member of both I'd indicate that the reason I joined both is so that they both have my money :). I can see a personal benefit to reduced friction, but have no need for reduced cost. That said, for those who can't afford to do that, a single, lower, "global supporter of freedom" membership cost would be a help.


From: Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro>
To: FSFE Discussion <discussion@fsfeurope.org>
Sent: 19/07/2017 11:34 AM
Subject: dual FSF and FSFE membership

(this was also queried on the FSF LibrePlanet list[1])

Does either organization (FSF or FSFE) have a position on dual
membership, being a member of both organizations?

Was this contemplated when the relationship between the two
organizations originated?

Has there been any discussion about a reduced membership fee or offering
a single joining procedure for people to join both organizations in one
go?  For example, on the membership form for one organization, people
could tick a box to join the other at the same time for some additional
fee that is potentially less than the outright fee for the other

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