Hello all,

I find this type of initiative very interesting, I'd like to have some similar educational project when I was in school.

I think the software approach commented by Jonas could be more affordable, in terms of management, and more cheap too. Said that, the idea of a kit to hack is really attractive. Perhaps it could be interesting to propose it as course in schools or online (like on Coursera or a similar site).

Best regards,

On 11/25/2016 02:53 PM, Jonas Forsslund wrote:
Hi, Matthias,

In general I like these kinds of ideas. The whole Raspberry Pi concept is well developed.
What I have been thinking recently however, is that there is perhaps an overfocus on hardware.
Imagine instead a virtual small computer easily accessed and programmed from a within
a web browser. It could visualize the memory, step-by-step debugging could be very 
straight-forward etc. I would even use it myself to "once and for all" understand some
cs concepts i'm still unsure about or know in theory but have not "seen". Maybe
such projects are available but I am not aware of any (please tell if you do know).
A similar but more advanced projects is the nand2tetris.org course that I would like to persue at some point.

Some obvious benefits of a software solution include no distribution issue, environmental concerns,
upgrades and not to mention zero duplication costs. 

With this said, if having your own small hardware computer gets the kids going, that should
of course be great to support for fsfe I think.

Best regads
Jonas Forsslund

2016-11-25 14:32 GMT+01:00 Matthias Kirschner <mk@fsfe.org>:
I'd like to get some feedback about some ideas floating around my head
at the moment, and thought that some of you might be able to help here.

I was talking with some people who would like to fund some concrete Free
Software activities, focusing on research and education.

One idea which came up is to support pupils to learn more about how
computer work, and promote hacking by providing "science packs" with
small hackable computers, and some modules, sensors etc.

What do you think about making it easier for pupils to get access to
such tools. E.g. by having some packs in the libraries or for school

I would be interested what you think about that, as I am not yet sure
about it.

If you like it, do you have an idea how you could make sure that
children who are interested in that are connected around Europe? (E.g.
in Germany there is something called "Jugend hackt" -- youth is hacking
-- Is there something similar on a EU level? Or are there other ideas?)

Thanks for your feedback,

Matthias Kirschner - President - Free Software Foundation Europe
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