Hello everybody,

I just wanted to share my experience despite my lack of knowledge on this debate.
The join the FSFE button has always seems tricky to me as the my main intention when I have used it (and this happened a few time these past years) was to offer some of my time and skills to the FSFE instead of money.

This is actually of the main reason why I follow this mailing-list as I have not yet found a clear way to invest myself in the action of the FSFE other than simply sharing campaigns or promoting Free Software by myself.

> Proposed motion: > The GA recognizes that the widespread use of the word "Join" on the FSFE > web site may have caused many fellows and volunteers to believe their > payment made them a member of the incorporated association. The GA > resolves that a notice should be published on the web site clarifying > the situation, the notice should be sent to everybody who completed the > form to "Join the FSFE" and any future communication, through the web > site or other marketing materials should make it unambiguous whether > people are being solicited to join the incorporated association, > volunteer their time or become a financial supporter and also making > them aware of the alternative roles they can have in the organization.

I therefor support and agree with the last part of this proposal as it might help be find my way as a volunteer for the FSFE the same way I found it in other organizations.

Thank you Daniel for this proposition.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: "joining" the FSFE
Local Time: October 2, 2017 9:18 PM
UTC Time: October 2, 2017 12:18 PM
From: daniel@pocock.pro
FSFE Discussion <discussion@fsfeurope.org>

On 02/10/17 14:13, Cornelia.sulzbach wrote:
> This is shameful! There ist no reason to not let everyone become a
> member. I have read today. I have read a lot, and it is clear the FSF
> should be ashamed of themselves. I am glad there are people like you
> Daniel who can change this! Just read:
>   https://www.fsf.org/associate/
> It"s all about giving money to the FSF. Never once are listed any
> benefits of being able to vote!

FSF and FSFE are different organizations and applying to join one
doesn"t make you a member of the other.

Comparing the membership procedures of each organization and proposing
how they should evolve in the future is welcome.  If you want that to
involve the FSF members as well, or if you are an FSF member, then
please also raise this on one of the FSF mailing lists and feel free to
invite FSF people to comment here too (and vice versa)


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