Hi there,

I think Linux for Hank is good for children:


Linux for Hank

Description: A children’s book.  All about Linux.  I wrote this book for my daughter when I wanted a story to read her about Linux.

Best regards,


On 06/15/2017 10:28 AM, Andres wrote:
Web Design for Kids.


The version on sale now has pop ups which I don't have. I don't know if it is any good but it certainly helped me understand HTML5. My children are in the 3-12 age range did not find it just as interesting. There are others with similar titles like "web for babies" and so on.

Cathedral and Bazaar is good but I think (taking my children as a reference) is aimed at older people.

The FSFE comic regarding open standards would be a better option.

The humble bundle ebook bundle had some interesting books but mainly "make" magazine stuff.

There was a book called IPSUM or LOREM which was like a cross between "Sophie's world" and "Alice in wonderland" but relating to programming. Very interesting but sadly I can't find a link for it. It will be mostly aimed to the 10 and up range IMHO. The Cory Doctorow novels like "little Brother" "homeland" and "pirate cinema" should also work for that age range though they might be a bit scary (they were scary for me!). They are found in the teen section in my local library https://wiki.richmondmakerlabs.uk/index.php/File:LibraryProjectV1Install.jpg

On 15/06/17 08:54, Evaggelos Balaskas wrote:
I don't know about that age (3-12) but one of the classics in that area (my opinion) is The Cathedral and the Bazaar
by Eric S. Raymond

June 15, 2017 10:25 AM, "Matthias Kirschner" <mk@fsfe.org> wrote:

Hi there,

does anyone of you have good recommendations for books explaining Free
Software topics, basics of computing, source code, etc. to children. I
am interested in books for the age from 3 to 12. Also things which are
slightly connected would be appreciated.

Best Regards,

Matthias Kirschner - President - Free Software Foundation Europe
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