I believe Ottavio started the thread with the question whether or not you could call yourself an evangelist when you also trying to make money out of it. Maybe this wasn't the first post, then I've missed it.

You can measure the amounts of products you sell, but to my knowledge, you can't 'scientifically' measure the amount of believe or sympathy one has (or gained during your speech) for Free Software. Your assumption says believe in Free Software is *always* less useful than buying the products simply because believe is not quantifiable as the amount of products. I don't agree with this.

For instance you give a speech and sell no products at all. But a group of people decide after hearing you talk to do some research and decide to start their own Free Software project. You can't measure it so it is not or less useful than selling a single or more products ?

I think the ability to measure something depends on our knowledge and skills to measure it and says nothing about the subject being measured. Simply because we are not able to measure something doen't make it less effective of useful.

On 5/27/06, Shane M. Coughlan < shane@shaneland.co.uk> wrote:
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Ricardo Andere de Mello wrote:
> Of course that having money and doing what you like is a good thing, and
> that you can have both things, but Im again asking you, if you could
> only choose between a normal job with free software, and a more
> profitable job without free software, what would you choose?

I think this has drifted a long way from the point of the thread.  The
original point was about what constituted success in promoting something
like the idea of Free Software.  Tying that into vague and inherently
subjective views on 'good', 'bad' and 'worthy' is both confusing and
unhelpful.  I believe sticking to the point is important.

I stand by my original assertion that any unmeasurable advocacy is less
useful than measurable advocacy.  Whether the advocacy is geared towards
profit or not is a mute point.  That has nothing whatsoever to do with
Free Software as a concept.  Free Software is about Freedom for the user.


- --
Shane Martin Coughlan
e: shane@shaneland.co.uk
m: +447773180107
w: www.shaneland.co.uk
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http://mobility.opendawn.com    http://gem.opendawn.com
http://enigmail.mozdev.org       http://www.winpt.org
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http://www.fsfeurope.org         http://www.fsf.org
http://www.labour.org.uk        http://www.opensourceacademy.gov.uk
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