Andreas, it seems as though you think recent posts were directed at you personally, and then seem somewhat indignant because the comments unjustly imply something about a position you hold.

I'm quite puzzled.

Recent comments (by me at least) are general comments directed to the whole list in the context of previous recent and ancient discussion here.

I've had discussion on this list with those who seem to think that migrating a company to free software via a temporary non-free-tool is a sin. That's the best context I can give you to help you understand the framing of my comments.

Otherwise it seems we generally agree; which is why I'm puzzled that you seem to think I am arguing against you; for which impression I apologise.


* Andreas K. Foerster wrote, On 31/10/08 09:57:
Am Thursday, dem 30. Oct 2008 schrieb P.B.:

sam.liddicott wrote:
[...] those who say it should not be supported are those who value a C
compiler more than a flash player, but the same is not true for many
of those who are yet to embrace free software and whose entry will be
delayed until it meets ALL their needs but only if WE insist on it.


Definitely true.
It *is* important for us to insist on alternatives, develop, demand and
spread alternatives - but always apply common sense.

Sam's right: Freeing someone by limiting them is not good. "The freedom
of choice", remember?

Who wants to limit anybody?

"Freedom of choice": The Free Software movement is working hard
to develop alternatives, so that users do have the choice to live in
freedom and to reject freedom trampling software.

The Free Software movement encourages to use only Free Software, but they
cannot and don't want to enforce it. That really would be absurd.

If a Free Software program really doesn't support a non-free feature, the 
user is still free to choose a different program. It's not like IceCat
is the only browser out there. ;-)

(ok... someone might argue based on "freedom or power?" [1], but I think
that it's something different here)

Indeed, that is something different, but related.
We are - at least I am - talking about the freedom of choice for the users!
not about the "freedom for developers only".