Frankly, It's not possible for you to say the donors are "feeling quite good" about this (unless you are talking about a rather small sub-set of donors that do not represent independent software developers) for example, I donated, and i wish there was more than one candidate.

Erik, No disrespect, you know me, and you know the struggle independent Free Software developers face. Sure, most people know about Linux and Firefox, but beyond that are totally clueless. Almost none seem to be aware of the fact larger open source projects regularly port other projects' unique features to their own platform thereby depriving other developers of users and potential donors.

Companies that make their profit from being known as the kings of open source think it's a good thing as they leave the rest of us out. I'm not kidding, while the Mozilla team was being wined and dined in Brussels after FOSDEM, i was getting beat-up and mugged half a block from the university after eating falafel and french fries.

So, NO - your donors do not feel quite good (unless you mean the mega-corps).

On 18 April 2016 at 10:37, Max Mehl <> wrote:
# Joe Awni [18.04.2016 @ 16:17]:
> How do you think donors would feel that you spend time and energy to
> offer an empty election?

I am positive they feel quite good since we comply with applicable laws
and our own constitution. That's nothing I would like to see changed.

Please feel invited to join our Fellowship and apply for next year's
Fellowship elections as soon as the candidature phase is opened. We are
happy about each and every applicant.


Max Mehl – FSFE Germany Coordinator –
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